From Pine View Farm

September, 2024 archive

“Totally Unfit for Office” 0

Steve Anderson, retired brigadier general, explains why so many generals and national security professionals think reelecting Donald Trump would be a national security disaster.

Via C&L, which has commentary.


Both Sides Don’t 0

Steve M. is fed up with the press’s bothsiderism. He notes that the press seems reluctant? incapable? too wedded to the horse race? to identify the instigators. Indeed, he sees a pattern (emphasis in the original):

The truth is always the same: partisans on one side, partisans who are also angry intimidators on the other side.

Follow the link for his reasoning.

(Broken link fixed.)




To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace.


No, I Will Not Be Watching the Debate, Reprise (Updated) 0

My friend watched some to the debate while I was watching Inspector Frost.

Based on her reaction to the behavior of one of the participants (you know which one–the one of which she said, “I can’t believe they allowed him to be on that stage”), all I can say is, well, I called that.


An early fact-check from Scripps News.

Facts may not lie, but Donald Trump most assuredly does.


No, I Will Not Be Watching the Debate 0

Whatever happens on the debate stage cannot affect my vote, while subjecting myself to political theatrics and demented right-wing ramblings (you know to whom I refer) will likely serve only to increase my stress level, which is high enough already.

Rather, I will likely watch an episode of A Touch of Frost on Tubi. And you should too.


Foxy Shady 0

David discusses Fox News’s banc-and-forth about the behavior of RFK Jr. and what it tells us about Fox News’s integrity. (Warning: short commercial at the end.)


Misdirection Play, Culture War Dept. 0

Two men at counter.  One reading a newspaper says,

Click to view the original image.


“This Is What Racism and Xenophobia Look Like” 0

San and the crew discuss how the right-wing spins lies about immigrants and how Trump seizes on and amplifies the lies. (The post title is a quote from the video.)


Republican Family Values 0

Schoolboy carrying an assault rifle and a book.  Republican Elephant stops him and sternly says,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another “responsible gun owner” exposes his child to politeness.

Officers said a 26-year-old man had a loaded gun in his vehicle for which he had a license. His “young child,” as police described them, allegedly grabbed the gun which then discharged on accident, striking the man in the upper body.

The story goes on to say that said “responsible gun owner” will be charged with “endangering the welfare of a child.”


“But It’s the Only Possible Explanation” 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Joe Pierre notes that “For politicians–especially those with authoritarian tendencies–conspiracy theories can serve as propaganda that exploits the psychological needs of a voting populace.” He goes on to list six of the ways that conspiracy theories can sway dis coarse discourse:

  • To malign opponents
  • To sow mistrust in authoritative sources of information
  • To deflect blame
  • To create “us and them” narratives
  • To portray oneself as a victim or an anti-establishment candidate
  • To incite or justify violence

Follow the link for a detailed discussion of each of these items and ask yourself if any of them sound something in today’s news.



Lemuel K. Washburn:

Honesty is never seen sitting astride the fence.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Various right-wing commentators operatives have been criticizing Kamala Harris for “code-switching.”

At Above the Law, Mark Herrmann notes the fatuousness of that attack. He writes

. . . don’t blame Kamala Harris for code-switching.

We all code-switch in endless situations.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


Of course, to anyone who can decode de code, this criticism of Harris is a coded–you will pardon the expression–attempt to appeal to racists without sounding overtly racist.

Read more »


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

And the migrations they are already migratin’..


Spin City 0

Frame One:  Once again, it's time to see the world as Trump voters see it, with your ever helpful MAGA Goggles!  Frame Two, captioned

Click to view the original image.


“The Horsemen of the Rightwing Apocalypse” 0

Emma talks with Rena Steinzor, research professor of law at the University of Maryland, about her recent book American Apocalypse: The Six Far-Right Groups Waging War on Democracy.


“Childless Cat Ladies” 0

At the Portland Press-Herald, Victoria Hugo-Vidal takes issue with J. D. Vance’s stated position that the only purpose for women is to be brood mares women who have not had children are not qualified to serve as school teachers. She does so by citing numerous examples of childless women teachers (aka, “nuns”) that she had during her days in Catholic schools.

In the course of the article, she offers, almost in passing, a theory to explain J. D. Vance’s misogyny:

Women have been choosing to remain without children for thousands of years. The only major difference is that these days, most women who do it aren’t swearing vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Maybe that’s what freaks out men like JD Vance – the idea that large numbers of women are running their own lives around the country, unrestrained by the tethers of motherhood or the rules of religious orders.

Methinks she’s onto something.

Follow the link for context.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

At Psychology Today blogs, Tahir Rahman takes a deep dive into how “social” media can lead persons to believe stuff that isn’t. A snippet:

Consider how social media amplifies beliefs. When a post garners thousands of likes or shares, it starts to feel validated: If so many people agree, it must be true, right? But if, for example, thousands of people believe that COVID-19 vaccination is dangerous, how could that be wrong? And yet, we know it is. This effect is even more substantial when the information comes from someone we trust: a public figure, a family member, a friend, or a mentor. The belief gains traction, embedding itself into our mental framework, and before long, it’s not just an idea; it’s a cause worth defending.

Given the flood of falsehoods polluting our polity, I commend his article to your attention.


All the News that Fits 0

Driftglass decodes de code.



Gerard Horan, in the voice of Ray Butler:

The thing is, once you start with a lie, there’s somehow no going back, is there?
