From Pine View Farm

2024 archive

If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Kaitlin Collins calls out J. D. Vance’s hypocrisy.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

At the Kansas City Star, Dion Lefler recounts some Facebook Frolics with Meta’s AI chatbot.


Denial Is Not Just a River in Egypt 0




Douglas Adams:

A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.”


A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments at the Youtube page:

Mangy Fetlocks never ceases to be amazed at the depths to which Republican politicians will go to curry favor with a twice-impeached, pussy- grabbing multiply-indicted failed ex-president. For a party ostensibly waving the flag of “real men”, “honor”, “independence” and “patriotism”, they seem to display NONE of those traits.


Courting Disaster 0

Writing at the Charlotte Observer, law professor Gene Nichol is less than sanguine about the actions of our current Supreme Supremacist Court.


Gutting Out the Vote 0

Thom talks with David Pepper about a new tactic in Republican efforts to gut out the vote.


A Choice, Not an Echo 0

Two political yard signs.  One reads

Via Balloon Juice.


The Louse Always Wins 0

Sportswriter extraordinaire Bob Molinaro runs the numbers:

BetVirginia has announced that the March sports betting handle was up 16.6% over February. “State coffers,” a press release notes, “benefitted (sic) from both college and professional basketball wagers.” As for the cost to the plungers who throw good money after bad picks or the long-range societal damage of young men getting hooked on easy online gambling, that’s not the state’s problem, right? Not for now, anyway.


Courting Disaster 0

Imaage of Supreme Court bearing motto:  No one is abover the law.  Conservative Justices are removing the word

Click to view the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Just a little passing case of politeness.




It belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured.


Recommended Viewing 0

Peter Gunn.

I liked it when it was new, the few times I got to see it when I was a young ‘un, and I like it now that it is old (as am I). It was easily one of the best noir series of early American television.

I’m watching it on Tubi.


Noir has not gone away. We are living it today.


A Tune for the Times 0


The Republican Veepstakes 0

Robin Abcarian has a wonder:

Slaughtering wolves from helicopters?

Castrating hogs?

Shooting up Priuses with assault weapons?

Murdering misbehaving puppies?

Is this what it takes for a Republican woman to be a credible candidate for higher office?

Follow the link, where she explores the Republican politics of mean for the sake of mean.


Establishmentarians 0

Couple in car passing the

Click to view the original image.


The Cryto Con 0

The grifter gifter.


This New Gilded Age 0

Of you can read the transcript.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another indication that “responsible gun owner” is a oxymoron:

A dumbfounded woman said blood suddenly started squirting from her chest in the middle of the night, and investigators linked it to a stray bullet that pierced her wall, according to a Virginia sheriff.


“Upon further inspection of the scene, deputies noticed a bullet sized hole in the wall that directly lined up where the victim was standing in her kitchen. … Deputies began administering first aid as Fire and Rescue arrived on scene.” A suspect was discovered when deputies asked one of the neighbors if he heard any gunshots in the night. A 56-year-old man advised he had fired such a shot, while checking to see if a handgun was loaded, Decatur said.


Fail Columbia? 0

At the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a Jewish student from Georgia currently enrolled at Columbia University expresses his disappointment at how his college has reacted to the demonstrations there and his dismay at how some students, professors, and pundits are portraying both the demonstrations and the conflict in Gaza. It is a thoughtful piece well-worth a read.

Here’s a tiny bit:

I don’t have a good solution for a conflict whose roots go back more than a century. I don’t know how to resolve the tension between constitutional guarantees of free speech and the university’s responsibilities to maintain the order of an academic institution. But I do try to be as open-minded as I can despite the conflicting pressures. Unfortunately, even my professors, most of whom I’d previously regarded as devoted to the clarification of ideas and not the advocacy of political positions, have coalesced into opposing factions: Zionist versus anti-Zionist; the side accused of supporting genocide and the side accused of antisemitism. Reason is helpless in the face of impassioned rhetoric. The search for common ground has been abandoned; the center has not held.
