From Pine View Farm

2025 archive

And Now for a Change of Pace 0

Peggy Lee performs “Johnny Guitar.”


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Clearly, if we don’t talk about America’s original sin of chattel slavery, then it must not have happened.

Because that’s the way history works.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Rat:  In the old days, it was so easy to form an angry mob.  Goat:  Why do you say that?  Rat:  Because most of us lived in small towns and villages, so we all knew everyone.  And if some guy did something wrong of something you just didn't like, you cold easily gather all those people and publicly humiliate him or even worse.  But then, sadly, most of us moved to large cities where we were lost in a sea of people, and how can you rile up complete strangers that you don't even know?  (with joy) But now we have social media and the mob is back!  It's a gift from God.  Goat:  Maybe not from God.  Pig:  Mob vengeance is back with a vengeance, Baby!

Click for the original image.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


Genius at Work 0

PoliticalProf has a couple of thoughts about Donald Trump’s unilateral (that is, in the absence of Congressional action) attempt to impose tariffs on our friends and allies. He notes, among other things, that

The markets and most economic commentators were convinced that Trump would never impose massive tariffs on Canada and Mexico because to do so would be utter economic insanity.

Yeah, Right.


Countering Chaos Agents 0

Thom offers some pointers on how to deal with the flood of lies.


The Climate They Are a-Changing 0

And you can see it, if only you will look.
A facade of a theatre advertising

Click to view the original image.

Here, the thermometer hit 79 Fahrenheits on the last day of January.

This is not normal. It’s not even a normal aberration.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

More neighborly politeness.

We are a broken society.



Stuart Langridge:

When you can’t decide on a thing, pick the side with the fewest (less than desirable persons–ed.) on it and you quite often come out okay in the process.


A Tune for the Times 0

A short tune about Donald Trump’s reaction to the Washington–I refuse to call it “Reagan”–National Airport crash.


Droning On 0

Boys and their toys.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

It does rather take one aback how those “responsible gun owners” just cannot seem to resist the temptation to play with their portable phalluses.


A Legend in His Own Mind 0

Trump: I Have common sense

The Kansas City Star’s Melinda Henneberger: The evidence shows otherwise.


Happy New Year! 0

Caption:  Year of the Snake.  Image:  Snake with Donald Trump's face.  Along the snake's body appear the word

Via Job’s Anger.


Pastry Passtimes 0

Many years ago, when I worked in a corporate training department, one of company’s police officers (yes, the company had its own police force) was detailed to my department. He was good cop and a good person.

If you wanted to get under his skin, all you had to do was make a crack about cops and doughnuts. He found the stereotype offensive, plus he really did not like doughnuts.

And I’m sure he really wouldn’t like the new spin the Houston police has put on cops doing doughnuts.


Facebook Frolics 0




Naomi Klein:

Politics hates a vacuum. If it isn’t filled with hope, someone will fill it with fear.


A Tune for the Times 0


Love, Love Me Do 0

Does this remind you of anyone in the news?

Inquiring minds want to know.


This New Gilded Age 0

Robert Reich sees a strategy emerging from the Trumpled chaos. Here’s a bit:

He’s (Donald Trump–ed.) implementing a plan to make the wealthiest people in America far wealthier and more powerful, including Trump himself, and to turn American democracy into a giant corporation run by a handful of absurdly rich men.

He thinks he can accomplish this by getting the rest of us so angry at one another— over immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, diversity, and the like — that we don’t look upward and see where most of the wealth and power have gone.

Now. to be fair, I’m not sure that Donald Trump is capable of thinking in terms of a such long game; he seems to live in the moment. But some of the persons behind him (think Project 2025, for example) most certainly are. Our new generation of robber barons founded those “conservative” think tanks as part of their long game to return us to the 1890s.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Thom is astonished. I’m not.

All pretense is off.

The racism and misogyny of today’s Republican Party are fully out of the closet.
