From Pine View Farm

Donald Trump, the Tantrum Yogi 0

At the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jim Lenkner makes a strong and disturbing case that we–at least, some of us–have devolved into a nation of tantrum-throwing three-year olds. He points to Donald Trump’s pardoning of the January 6th insurrectionists as an example:

Pardoning most of the rioters may be justified if it was rendered as an action of healing. Instead, our president created greater division, and sanctioned violence as a means to get what you want.

There is no contrition. Instead, we learned that violence is okay if it is for my cause. Stopping our government from performing its duties is okay if we smash and attack like toddlers for what we think is “mine.” And, we must never say I’m sorry. Contrition is for losers.

I can pick a few nits with some of his remarks, but methinks he makes some good points.


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From Pine View Farm
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