From Pine View Farm

Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Rat:  In the old days, it was so easy to form an angry mob.  Goat:  Why do you say that?  Rat:  Because most of us lived in small towns and villages, so we all knew everyone.  And if some guy did something wrong of something you just didn't like, you cold easily gather all those people and publicly humiliate him or even worse.  But then, sadly, most of us moved to large cities where we were lost in a sea of people, and how can you rile up complete strangers that you don't even know?  (with joy) But now we have social media and the mob is back!  It's a gift from God.  Goat:  Maybe not from God.  Pig:  Mob vengeance is back with a vengeance, Baby!

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One more time, “social” media isn’t.


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