From Pine View Farm

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This seems to be a fitting metaphor for the acumen of those financial geniuses who get paid for performance attendance:

Deutsche Bank AG’s Cosmopolitan Resort & Casino complex in Las Vegas, already the most expensive debacle in the city for a single lender, is now two years behind schedule, $2 billion over budget and under water — literally.

Deutsche Bank, the resort’s owner since it foreclosed on developer Ian Bruce Eichner last year, requires 24-hour pumps and containment walls after workers hit an aquifer below the Nevada desert floor. It’s another challenge for a project whose delays and redesigns have sparked lawsuits from condominium buyers and sales agents amid record declines in Las Vegas’s gambling revenue, home prices and hotel-room bookings.

Ya know, I bet that somewhere nearby was a geologist–who doesn’t get bonuses for geologing–who knew about that aquifer and was just waiting to be asked . . . .

But it’s become pretty clear that you can’t tell Masters of the Universe anything. Those bonuses confirm their conviction that they are always right, that they are never wrong.



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