From Pine View Farm

A Notion of Immigrants 0

Steve M. looks at the reaction of Fox News hosts to Donald Trump’s suggestion that immigrants sbe used as modern-day gladiators for the entertainment of the masses. He suggests that (emphasis added):

The likelihood that this won’t offend any of Trump’s fans suggests that their anger about immigration isn’t based on fear — it’s based on hierarchy. They’re furious at the thought that immigrants might cross the border and simply blend into the population, living American lives and effectively becoming Americans. They need to be put in their place! Forcing them to fight for our entertainment would subordinate them to us.

Methinks Steve M. is onto something. Follow the link for the rest.


I think it telling that, in ancient Rome, gladiators were slaves, and, for all practical purposes, this too would be enslavement–another reason why the Party of the New Secesh would not find this notion objectionable.


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