From Pine View Farm

Unsportsmanlike Conduct 0

NCAA is holding a retreat to consider ways to fix the cesspool that is big time NCAA athletics.

The Boston Globe has an excellent editorial on this. Here’s a bit:

The meeting comes in the wake of a torturous spring of embarrassments for collegiate sports. They include the NCAA’s stripping the University of Southern California of its 2004-2005 football title because of illegal payments to running back Reggie Bush, the resignation of Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel after players got illegal gifts from the owner of a local tattoo parlor, the suspension of University of Connecticut basketball coach Jim Calhoun for recruiting violations, and an ongoing investigation of the University of Tennessee’s football and basketball programs.

My guess is that they will be more concerned with whitewash than with deep cleaning.

I’ve lost interest in college sports. The parade of cheating–in the front offices, not on the fields–the exploitation of the players, and the sell outs to the media have done me in.

I’ll watch the bowl games on New Year’s Day, but that’s about it.


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