The Odious Southern Strategy Rides Again Still
Chanceydevega marshals the evidence.
I’ve said in these pages many times, “I’m a Southern Boy, I know the code.”
And I do.
But seeing this stuff pulled together in a succinct list brings even me to pause.
Here’s a nugget. Click to read the rest:
While folks . . . should in fact be focused on the Republican Party’s masterful use of a politics of white racial resentment, nativism, and disdain for the Other. Context matters. Consider the circus that is the Republican Party’s presidential primary field for the election year 2012, and the policies they have endorsed.
1. Electric fences and moats to kill illegal immigrants;
2. Suggesting that black people are lazy, and their children should serve as janitors in order to develop a work ethic;
3. Wallowed in the filth of Birtherism, and indulged in rank, open bigotry against the country’s first black President;
4. Suggested that Muslim Americans should be profiled (perhaps they should carry special cards? or wear a mark on their clothing?) because of their religion and a propensity to commit “terrorism”;
5. Include a candidate who leisured at a family retreat named “Niggerhead” and grew up in sundown town*;
6. Are beholded (sic) to the Tea Party, a faction and AstroTurf group which can trace its origins back to the white supremacist, white nationalist, John Birch Society (the former is also a group whose racist tendencies have been well-documented).
*For those who do not know the term, “Sundown town” defined.