From Pine View Farm

Facebook Frolics 1

Steve Welch, losing Pennsylvania Republican candidate, tries to blame Facebook for the Republican Party’s poor fortunes.

You really must read the whole exercise in denying the reality of Republican whackjobbery.

A nugget:

The result is that Facebook is pushing the Republican Party into no man’s land and convincing single-issue extremists in the party that it is a good idea in the process. The loud minority on Facebook drown out, and even worse, attack dissenting views. It turns out teenage girls are not the only people who use Facebook to bully individuals.

In other Republican news, levees cause floods, junk yards cause car crashes, and bad smells cause manure.


1 comment

  1. George Smith

    December 16, 2012 at 6:04 pm

    Ha-ha, yeah, majorly butt-hurt man discovers modern media stove-piping and bubble world views.