From Pine View Farm

Bloggus Interruptus 2

Cat sleeping on keyboard

Somehow, the damned cat managed to open the Opera preferences dialog, navigate to the “Advanced” tab, scroll down to “Cookies,” and set Opera not to accept cookies (I keep it set to “Accept only from the site I visit”), thus preventing me from logging in and compelling me to use another, less feature rich, much better known, and somewhat clunkier browser, until an error message from another site (“Hey, we need to drop a cookie, doofus!”) alerted me to what might have gone wrong.



  1. George Smith

    February 13, 2013 at 1:53 pm

    He does really like sleeping on the stuff you have your hands on a lot. In cat behavior that’s rather touching because it doesn’t look all that comfortable.

  2. Frank

    February 13, 2013 at 4:09 pm

    It’s a kind thought, but, actually, I think it’s because the computer is warm.  


    He’s not particularly affectionate unless there is a Greenie in the offing.  But he’s got a heck of a lot of personality during those short windows of time in which he’s awake.