Distress 0
Apparently Richard Cohen heard the same interview I heard.
And it led him to some interesting observations. I couldn’t have said it better myself, which is why he works for the Washington Post. And I don’t:
Republicans were not “distressed,” mind you, by the war in Iraq, which turns out to have been waged for no good reason. Republicans were not distressed by the massive intelligence failure that preceded the war. Republicans were not distressed, either, by the intelligence failure that produced the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, more than seven months after our MBA president took over as CEO of the federal government.
(snip–there is much more worth reading)
Lest you think I am a partisan hack, let me tell you what distresses the Democrats: an innocuous port deal that lent itself to demagogic mischief. This reprehensible exercise in Arab-bashing was led by New York’s two senators, Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton, both of whom revealed themselves to be ill-suited to fill the Senate seats once occupied by the likes of Jacob Javits, Pat Moynihan, Bobby Kennedy, Herbert Lehman and Robert Wagner. They wound up taking the same side as Bill Frist, the Senate’s most nimble opportunist, a physician who took one look at a videotape of Terri Schiavo and rendered a medical opinion so wrong and so irresponsible that he violated the physician’s paramount obligation to “First do no harm” by simply getting out of bed that morning. If Frist is your doctor, seek a second opinion.
Truly, we — you and I — should be the ones distressed. This country has a bunch of fools for leaders.