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March 10, 2013 at 2:51 pm
Police don’t need probable cause for much of anything in southern California. They’ve become increasingly militarized as a result of ONE infamous gun battle/bank robbery in the San Fernando Valley and the war on terror. In Pasadena they thinks it’s cool to set up massive checkpoints on the weekend on the main route from old town on Colorado, which is a huge restaurant and shopping district, an ‘it’ place, back into LA. They line up motorcycle troops and squad cars, put up barriers, all for doing sobriety checks. It’s predatory because, of course, people have drinks in the high button restaurant and entertainment section. It’s what the city wants. Business. I’m at a loss to explain why the owners in Pasadena haven’t complained and the burghers told them to desist. You really have to see it, or be caught in it. It’s a bristling show of strength arranged to intimidate and frighten, which it does, all for “catching” a few people who are on or slightly over the .08 line.