From Pine View Farm

Cantor’s Cant, You Have Been Warned Dept. 3

Oh, my. And he thought the bill was a SNAP.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) is blaming the surprise defeat of the bill on Nancy Pelosi even though she publicly warned Republicans not to count on Democrats. The fact that Cantor actually believes that blaming Democrats for defeating a bill loaded with unpopular cuts to food assistance programs for the poor will make Republicans look better is rather hilarious, but that’s today’s GOP for you.



  1. George Smith

    June 22, 2013 at 11:28 am

    Norman Ornstein has come down to calling them “pathetic.” This from a person ensconced at the American Enterprise Institute woho, two years ago, had a book published that told people that only the Republican Party was responsible for all the dysfunction. Now I’m become so charred I think they should be encouraged to burn everything down so there can be no mistake in anyone what they’re really about — punitive nihilism. They love to strike at others and hitting the poor by diminishing food stamp funding is an obvious swing. It occurs to me whenever I hit Baja Ranch that they’re aiming squarely at working people who are struggling and the GOP detests them not only for the fact that they are poor but because they are also not white and that if they are attacked enough somehow they will vanish from American life.

  2. George Smith

    June 22, 2013 at 11:33 am

    They’re so single-minded and maniacal it’s almost a comedy. Why hasn’t someone written a short story about the near future in which they got everything they wanted and then were all killed by a plague because they demolished any attempt to implement a national free emergency vaccination?

  3. Frank

    June 22, 2013 at 11:35 am

    They really do seem to have become the party of mean for the sake of mean.


    The vindictiveness is staggering.