“Me, Me, Me” 0
Persons who post pictures of themselves doing everything all over the innertubes have acquired a nickname: Selfies.
Not everyone considers them narcissistic trifling self-absorbed self-aggrandizing twits with nothing better to do.
She sees some key differences between selfies and self-portraits of yore. Unlike painted portraiture, selfies are easily deletable. And “bad or funny is good in a way that wasn’t the case when people had to pay for film to be developed,” or for a professional painter, she said.
“Albrecht Durer’s self-portraiture is these incredible self-reflections and explorations of technique, and then when Rihanna snaps her picture it’s just self-aggrandizement, or it’s promotion, so you have a fairly interesting double standard based upon who’s taking the self-portrait,” said Rutledge, in Boston.
Durer didn’t have a digital camera.
He had talent.