From Pine View Farm

“Old Times There Are Not Forgotten” 0

In the Roanoke Times, Lila Sullivan remembers growing up white under Jim Crow in South Carolina. (My mother was from South Carolina. Apparently, in Ms. Sullivan’s part of the state, my grandmother would have been known as a “Cotton Dolly.”)

A nugget:

South Carolina in the ’50s was a mean place. My family on both sides had deep roots there. My great grandfather fought in the Civil War, or as my grandmother always said, “The War Between the States.” She was a proud member of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and I got to dress up in costume and serve cookies at their meetings. Wade Hampton was considered a saint by my grandmother. (Hampton was a Civil War hero and leader of the Red Shirts, a vigilante group known for violence.) Both my parents were highly educated and very prejudiced.


My father’s mother was UDC and DAR and quit them both long before I came along because, according to my father, she thought the other ladies were too damned snobbish about too much nothing.


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