From Pine View Farm

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Upyernoz thinks that the who-shot-john over Indiana’s “yes you can mistreat folks because they are gay” law indicates the Republican alliance is starting to splinter.

Not long ago, the business community would not have cared if a state passed a law intended to promote discrimination against gay people. At best it was too controversial for them to touch. At worst, they didn’t think it was controversial to hate gays but they did have a sense that their customers would find anything related to gay people to be icky. For pro-business conservative gay issues were a politically safe bone to toss to their social conservative base.

What has happened in Indiana in the past week shows that does not work anymore.

I hope he’s right, but I expect he’s being optimistic. One constant in American politics is that hate sells. Hate has been the means to fame, fortune, and influence for a flock of preachers and pols, and the market seems unsated.

Hate has sold in the past, it sells today, and it will sell tomorrow.


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