From Pine View Farm

All the News that Fits 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr., considers the results of a recent survey, which indicated that many person don’t trust the news (Full Disclosure: I don’t trust Fox News, but that’s a considered decision based on analysis and experience).

A snippet (emphasis added):

Among its findings: More Americans (43 percent) have a negative view of media than have a positive view (33 percent); 66 percent say media do a poor job of separating fact from opinion; 58 percent say it is harder to be well informed today because there are so many news sources available; asked to score news media on a zero-to-100 scale with 100 representing maximum trust, Americans gave news media an anemic 37.

But there was one finding that leapt out at me: Four out of 10 Republicans said they always regard as “fake news” accurate news stories that cast a favored politician or group in a negative light. Let that marinate for a moment. They concede it to be true, but they regard it as “fake” if they don’t like what it says.


I haven’t watched television news in years, except when there’s a snowstorm–then I watch local news in full panic mode. It’s not that I don’t trust it; it’s that I find it, for the most part, superficial pablum.

I can learn more in five minutes of reading than in 30 minutes (minus 10 minutes for commercials) of listening. Figures such as Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley, and David Brinkley, just to mention a few, are long gone.

Today’s “newscasters” are performers, not reporters.


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From Pine View Farm
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