From Pine View Farm

Author's archive

“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Echoes”* 0

No it’s Michael Paul Williams who is hearing echoes of the past.


*Mark Twain.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society’ 0

Yet another “responsible gun owner” feels empowered to flash his portable phallus at the occupants of a passing vehicle on the pavement.


Courting Disaster 0

Michael in Norfolk is not sanguine about today’s Supreme Supremacist Court. A snippet:

When Trump’s attorneys argued that a president while in office could not be prosecuted for the assassination of political rivals or engaging in a coup, the far right justices yawned and seem to forget about the actual events on January 6, 2021, and instead gasp for ways to delay Trump’s trials or to trivialize the threat Trump poses to the nation.




Fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths, and miracles as poetic fantasies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing.


Stray Thought 0

Plastic toothpaste tubes are a plot by Big Toothpaste to prevent you from completely emptying a tube of toothpaste, thereby necessitating that you buy another tube of toothpaste before you otherwise must needs do so.


A Flair Trial 0


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts stands aghast Arizona Republicans’ unmitigated self-serving chutzpah double standard.


Crisis Factors 0

Title:  Where's the crisis?  Frame One:  Starving fammily captioned

Click to view the original image.


The Lake Effect 0

The water level appears to be sinking.


The Gut Feeler 0

Image One:  A question is posed,

Click to view the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Oh, my. Someone else gets it!

Thomas L. Knapp writes at The (Aiken, SC) News:

On any given day, my news feeds show me other stories of so-called “accidental shootings,” usually involving children and guns which are mishandled by, or left unattended by, their adult owners.

The phrase “accidental shooting” is usually a contradiction in terms. There are, in the normal course of events, only two kinds of shootings: Intentional and negligent.

An intentional shooting occurs when a competent individual intentionally loads, points, and fires a properly functioning firearm.

A negligent shooting occurs when a competent individual fails to do his or her job.

Follow the link for more of his thoughts on competence.


As my two or three regular readers know, I agree with his reasoning. Police and press should stop routinely referring to shootings as “accidental.”

The other question, though, which Knapp does not address, is why so many whom Knapp would likely characterize as “incompetent” are able to caress portable phalluses so passionately.


The Fix Is In . . . 0

. . . and it’s all about the algorithm.



Rachel Rowell:

Our cellphones can do everything, but they’re bad at letting us talk to each other.


A Tune for the Times 0


Facebook Frolics 0

Fraudulent frolics.

Whoever would have thunk that there be scammers on “social” media?


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

El Reg reports that, apparently, once ChatGPG makes a mistake (and it makes a lot of them), it will exist in perpetuity. Here’s the lede; follow the link for the details.

Privacy activist group noyb (None of Your Business) has filed a complaint against OpenAI, alleging that the ChatGPT service violates GDPR rules since its information cannot be corrected if found inaccurate.


Misdirection Play, Crime Wavers Dept. 0

Thom makes the case that, despite conventional wisdom, inequality (such as, for example, the effects of Ronald Reagan’s “trickle on economics”), not poverty alone, is the primary root of crime.

He provides some telling examples.

In related vein, speaking of arrogant billionaires . . . .


Republican Family Values 0

Donald Trump, holding up his

Via Yellowdoggranny.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

It has happened again: children playing with politeness.

We are a society of stupid.


And, in News of Mean for the Sake of Mean . . . . 0

At Above the Law, Joe Patrice theorizes that, in trying to prove just how cruel and cold-hearted she can be, South Dakota governor Kristi Noem may have just possibly stepped in it.
