Culture Warriors category archive
“Those Who Cannot Remember the Past Are Condemned To Repeat It”* 0
And, remember, there are those who don’t want us to remember the past, because they do want us to repeat it, and they still rising again after all these years.
Establishmentarians 0
At the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Lloyd Hill has a suggestion for America’s right-wing evangelical they-call-themselves Christians.
Establishmentarians 0
At the Kansas City Star, Joel Mathis asks, “WWJD?“
Establishmentarians 0
David French looks at the behavior of right-wing evangelical they-call-themselves Christians and asks a question: “Why are so many Christians so cruel?”
Here’s a bit of his answer; follow the link for the rest.
The idea that right deserves might is different and may even be more destructive. It appeals to our ambition through our virtue, which is what makes it especially treacherous. It masks its darkness. It begins with the idea that if you believe your ideas are just and right, then it’s a problem for everyone if you’re not in charge.
All the News that Fits 0
Steven A Hassan, who in his youth was enticed into the Moonies, discusses how to help persons escape the influence of cults. In the course of his article, he discusses “the BITE Model, which is presently used to evaluate the destructive (or constructive) qualities of a cult or to identify undue influence.” It caught my eye because it seemed eerily familiar.
Here’s his short definition of the BITE model; the second and third items seem particularly to echo elements of dis coarse discourse (emphasis in the original).
Behavior Control: Your actions, environments, and routines are strictly dictated.
Information Control: The flow of free, accurate information is restricted to influence perception.
Thought Control: Techniques like loaded language or thought-stopping are used to suppress dissent.
Emotional Control: Guilt, fear, or other emotions are manipulated to ensure obedience.
Methinks you will find it a worthwhile read.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
The SPLC takes a deep dive into the growth of anti-Haitian rhetoric lies and how they feed division and hatred.
Here’s a bit from their article (emphasis added. The whole piece is worth your while.
“The extremist forces behind the Springfield attacks know that they can only succeed with division,” she wrote. “They employ the machinery of antisemitism and racism to distract from the root causes of our collective struggles and turn us against each other.”
A Notion of Immigrants . . . 0
. . . let Texas Governor Abbott introduce you to Republican family values.
Republican Family Values 0
We are again reminded that “suffer the children” is a Republican family value.
Courting Disaster under the Rule of Flaw 0
At Above the Law, Joe Patrice reports that, for some fool reason, Americans’ faith in the Supreme Supremacist Court, not to mention (which, natch, translates as “to mention”) lower courts is–er–somewhat in decline.
Republican Thought Police 0
Now they’re coming for art shows.
The Privatization Scam 0
The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini makes a strong case that, in Arizona, the privatization scam just got scammier.