From Pine View Farm

Culture Warriors category archive

Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

The New Secesh decide to inject their prejudices into the fiendly skies.

Words fail me.


Know Them by the Company They Keep 0

And, speaking of Republican family values . . . .


Republican Family Values 0


Real Big Men 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini marvels at the machismo.


Karen Karen-Like 0

Meet a Karen who flies the fiendly skies.


Step One 0

Lady Liberty with her torch arm cut off.  Below, Donald Trump holds a saw and says,

Click for the original image.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Michael in Norfolk decodes de code.


Ethics Schmethics 0

Farron discusses unsigns of the times.


If you don’t have any, how can you sign for them?


Republican Family Values 0

Methinks persons could be excused for concluding that a primary Republican family value is mean for the sake of mean.

OH! And speaking of Republican family values, Idaho State Senator Melissa Wintrow has a question.


The Privatization Scam 0

In the Charlotte Observer, a doctor speaks out on how the privatization scam is harming public school students with disabilities in North Carolina. Here’s a bit of his article; follow the link for the rest.

By taking money away from public schools and giving it to private schools, North Carolina Republicans are creating a system in which more children with disabilities won’t have access to the accommodations that they are legally entitled to.

The lawmakers who voted for vouchers should know private-school funding with public money is not popular with voters. Across the country, ballot measures to publicly pay for private schools failed in 2024.

That’s why all our Republican legislators and Democratic Reps. Carla Cunningham, Michael Wray and Shelly Willingham waited until after the election to overturn Gov. Cooper’s veto. They knew it would be unpopular with voters and may cost them.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

Mrs. Betty Bowers hears a Thanksgiving rhyme.


*Mark Twain.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Farron points out that the Trump administration plans to target not just immigrants, but naturalized citizens.


Establishmentarians 0

Schuyler Mitchell takes deep look at efforts of far right evangelical they-call-themselves Christians to destroy the Constitution’s establishment clause. A snippet:

But in chipping away at foundational constitutional protections, Christian nationalist groups stand to win more than prayer in schools or Bible-based lesson plans. The legal battles playing out in federal courts could give rise to anti-LGBTQ violence and state-sanctioned discrimination against religious minorities.

Realize that this is not about love for God.

It’s about power for preachers.


Establishmentarians Establishing Establishmentarianism 0

Sam and the crew discuss how establishmentarians prayer on the polity.


The Answer: Hate Feeds on Itself 0

The quandary:

The election is over and MAGA is still angry. . . . For the life of me I can’t understand where all this hate and angst is coming from.

Follow the link for the rest of the quandary.


The Privatization Scam 0

Minnesota charter schools to Minnesota: Give us the public’s money, but don’t expect us to tell you what we do with it.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

I wish I could say I found this surprising, but, in these times in which one of our two major political parties has chosen bigotry and hate as part of their platform, I can’t say that I do.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini hears a rhyme swirling from the past.


*Mark Twain.


A Quibble 0

Methinks Michael in Norfolk made a typo.

He missplet “1850s.”


Republican Family Values 0

There seems to be a common thread here, does there not?

Honest to Pete, Monty Python couldn’t make this stuff up.
