Drumbeats category archive
The Fifth Columnists 0
The Pittsburgh Post’s Gazette’s Gene Collier finds Republicans’ refusal to assist Ukraine to resist Putin’s aggression to be–er–somewhat problematic. Here’s a bit of what he has to say:
It was Johnson who scuttled the bi-partisan border deal Republicans have been screaming about for decades, which he did at the urging of Trump, who has to run for president on something other than 91 felony charges. Trump was doubtless behind Johnson’s Ukraine walkout as well, which happened just as Putin opponent Alexei Navalny was turning up dead in a Russian prison.
Another Fifth Columinst 0
Dick Polman looks at Tucker Carlson’s Russian impulses and finds a parallel from the past.
The Fifth Columnist 0
At AL.com, John W. Davis savages Donald Trump’s ahistorical, incorrect, incoherent, inane promise to lead the United States to violate its commitment to its NATO allies. Here’s a bit (emphasis added); follow the link for the rest.
Former President Trump said he would not defend NATO allies if invaded, if he deemed them financially delinquent. Says Trump, who regularly reneged on just payments to his own contractors. Says Trump who would encourage Russia to, “… do whatever the Hell they want” to our allies. Our NATO allies risked all to trust and join NATO, so to shed Soviet chains and torture chambers. Russia’s leaders want nothing better than to enslave Eastern Europe again.
Those Who Forget the Past . . . 0
. . . would doom themselves–and the rest of us–to repeat it.
The Campaign Promise 0
Once again, Maya Angelou’s admonition comes to mind:
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
Gazing at Gaza 0
Der Spiegel takes a long and deep look at the situation in the Middle East and at the background. Christoph Reuter und Monika Bolliger, authors of the story, come to the disturbing conclusion that “the risk of escalation in the Middle East is growing.”
Given the often contradictory and frequently emotionally-charged reporting and commentary on events there, I think this article is well worth the few minutes it will take you to read it.
Putin’s Fifth Column 0
Thomas Geoghegan offers a theory as to why the Trump and the Trumpettes are so hostile to the U. S. aiding Ukraine in its battle to defeat the Russian invaders. Here’s a tiny bit from his article:
The whole piece is worth the few minutes it will take you to read it.
A Question of Identity 0
Not long ago, I heard an apocryphal quotation from a fictional Native America chief. I forget exactly where, but it stuck with me. The chief was speaking to a cavalry officer and said something like this: “If you win a battle, it’s a victory. If we win, it’s a massacre.”
At Psychology Today Blogs, Joe Pierre explores the line between labeling acts of violence as “terrorism” or as “mental illness.” Here’s a bit:
I think his article a worthwhile read, especially in the light of recent events.
Establishmentarians 0
In longer post about (some) Republicans apparently unwillingness to support Ukraine against Russia’s invasion, long-time BJ blogger Betty Cracker writes:
I sure hope she’s wrong. Follow the link and draw your own conclusion
War and Mongers of War 0
It was two decades ago that U. S. started the Great and Patriotic War for a Lie in Iraq. I remember standing outside in the smoking area at work. It was the same spot where we had stood and looked up at empty skies in the days following September 11. Though we were just a few miles east of Philadelphia International Airport under one of the approach routes, there were no planes for days . . . .
I was chatting with my boss (who was, by the way, one of the best bosses I ever had). He was opining that “Iraq will be sorry that we have a Texan for president.”
My response was simply, “Dave, I have a bad feeling out this.”
I take no comfort in my qualms having been justified.
That moment came to mind because of something my old friend Noz wrote yesterday about the run up to the Great and Patriotic War for a Lie in Iraq. Here’s a bit of his post:
War and Mongers of War 0
Der Spiegel has a fascination interview with historian Timothy Snyder focusing on Vladimir Putin’s Russia and its war on Ukraine. It goes into a depth not seen in most U. S. reporting.
Here’s a tiny little excerpt from Snyder’s remarks:
Putin on the Fritz 0
Sergei Guriev, in an article at The Japan Times, argues that the future does not seem bright for Vladimir Putin.
Follow the link for his reasoning.
I fear that Guriev’s faith that others might learn from Putin’s mistakes (enumerated at the link) disregards the lessons of history. If history teaches us one thing, it is that humankind (especially succeeding generations) seems incapable of learning from history.
Unmitigated Gall 0
Plus a textbook example of psychological projection.