False Idols category archive
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Gina Simmons Schneider reminds us that
Follow the link for some tools and techniques to protect yourself from poison on the disinformation superhighway.
Establishmentarians 0
At Al.com, John Archibald notes that an Alabama legislator has offered a bill requiring public schools to start their day with a Christian prayer or risk losing a portion of their funding.
Archibald goes on to offer a prayer for said legislators, one which methinks is spot on.
I commend it to your attention.
Real Big Men, Legends in Their Own Minds Dept. 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Eric Solomon demolishes the myth that the bullying “Alpha Male” is the model for effective leadership. He makes four main points (emphasis added);
- Alpha leadership is a lie. Fear doesn’t create strong teams—psychological safety does.
- Swagger isn’t strength. Real leaders empower; weak leaders hoard power and leave wreckage behind.
- Control isn’t leadership. The best leaders build trust, not dominance or intimidation.
- Real leaders create legacy. Power fades, but impact lasts—long after you’re gone.
Given the the behavior of certain folks in the news, I find this article a most timely read.
The points he makes correspond to my own working experience. The best bosses I had–the ones who got the best (and the most) work out of me–gave me the feeling that if I was working with them, not for them.
Republican Thought Police 0
Now they’re coming for art shows.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
The Cult of Poisonality 0
Michael in Norfolk has a few questions about the Trump and his cultists.
Follow the link for context.
Establishmentarians 0
E. J. Montini finds an irony in Arizona Republicans’ desire to post the Ten Commandments in public schools:
Follow the link for context.
Establishmentarians 0
What Jesus is not reported to have said, but what they believe:
Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, by force if necessary.
Establishmentarians Establishing Establishmentarianism 0
Thom talks with Tim Alberta about his new book, The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory: American Evangelicals In An Age of Extremism.
Misdiagnosis 0
One more time, “social” media isn’t.
Originalist Sin 0
At the Idaho State Journal, Leonard Hitchcock skewers the sophistry of “Constitutional Originalist.”
The Disinformation Superduper Highway 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, The Open Minds Foundation takes a lot at the potential effects of AI-generated dis- and misinformation on the internet. They conclude that internet users need to exercise more critical thinking skills, even as they seem to be exercising less (or is it fewer?).
Here’s a tiny bit from their article; I urge you to read the rest.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Legends in Their Own Minds 0
Methinks Atrios is onto something.
Artificial Intelligence? 0
ChatGTP is getting a lot of play lately. It even made an appearance in my local rag’s comics page.
Before mucking about with it, I suggest that you listen to Harry Shearer’s interview with Gary Marcus on the January 1, 2023, edition of Le Show; the relevant portion starts at about the 20 minute mark. Also read this from Bruce Schneier’s website.