From Pine View Farm

First Looks category archive

Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


Recommended Viewing 0

Mr. Lucky.

The tongue-in-cheek humor is quite delightful. And, as someone who was a fan of The Wild Wild West when I was a young ‘un, I quite enjoy watching Ross Martin in this earlier role.

I’m watching it on Tubi, but, given the proliferation of streaming “services,” you can likely find it in other places.


Meta: Sidebar 0

I have removed Yellowdoggranny from the sidebar as her site seems to gone dormant.

Yeah, I know.

Who pays attention to sidebars these days?


Fair Winds and Following Seas 0

Juanita Jean is hanging up her keyboard.

She will be missed.


Bugging Out 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Jennifer Gerlach muses on what lessons we can learn from Bugs Bunny.


Have Yourself a Merry Little Christms 0

If you have not done so, I highly recommend that you read Lena Horne’s autobiography.


Excess 0

Give me a break.


Joy 0


Cheer 0


Joy 0


Drone Struck 0

Seth takes a closer look at the drone drama in New Jersey.


Nurturer of Narcissism? 0

Jennifer Gerlach, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, reports on a recent study that seems to confirm that “social” media isn’t.

A study of 23,532 people explored possible relationships between self-esteem, narcissistic personality traits, and social media use. Of interest, low self-esteem and narcissistic personality traits are both correlated with high levels of social media engagement (Andreassen et al., 2017).

Follow the link for her thoughts on the matter.

And remember, you don’t use “social” media. “Social” media companies use you.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


The Privatization Scam 0

And it is a scam.

You can voucher on it, as the Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts points out.


The Interview 0

Line of persons entering

Click to view the original image.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders 0

It appears that, in reaction to Elon Musk’s antics, some Tesla owners are bumper-stickering it to him.


Field Work 0

Can you think of someone who might be a suitable subject for testing the validity of this theory?


Stray Thought 0

When persons loudly and repeatedly crow about how patriotic they are, they probably aren’t.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.



John Locke:

Parents wonder why the streams are bitter, when they themselves have poisoned the fountain.

From Pine View Farm
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