From Pine View Farm

Geek Stuff category archive

Suckered by the Algorithm 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Bill Sullivan offers yet more evidence that “social” media isn’t, particular for the young. Here’s a bit of his article:

Studies have shown that social media use, especially among younger people, increases materialism—a drive to accumulate and flaunt money and possessions. Such a mindset implies that external goods like Italian sports cars, Cartier watches, or gourmet dining are signs of a person’s status. Materialists gauge their own worth—and the worth of other people—by how much money and bling they’ve acquired, rather than judging internal goods like character. The materialistic mindset fosters attitudes of competition, envy, and greed.

Madonna’s claim that we are living in a material world is backed by convincing data.

Follow the link, then be sure to post it to your Zuckerborg or Muskrat page.


Facebook Frolics 0

Under-valuation frolics.


Devolution 0

Image of man evolving from apes, learning to walk upright, then once again walking hunched over, glued to a cell phone.

Via C&L.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Just because you see–er–hear it on a computer–er–device, it ain’t necessarily so.

The Second Circuit has referred attorney Jae S. Lee to a grievance panel for citing a fake case made up by ChatGPT in a complaint and never checking to see if the case spit out by the AI was real.

Details at the link.


Facebook Frolics 0

A Consumer Reports study details the extent to which you have been assimilated by the Zuckerborg and its enablers. Indeed, perhaps the most astounding bit in the report is the number of Zuckerborg enablers who “share” your data with Facebook.

Follow the link for the article.

Using a panel of 709 volunteers who shared archives of their Facebook data, Consumer Reports found that a total of 186,892 companies sent data about them to the social network. On average, each participant in the study had their data sent to Facebook by 2,230 companies. That number varied significantly, with some panelists’ data listing over 7,000 companies providing their data.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.

You don’t use “social” media. It uses you.

H/T Bruce Schneier for the head up.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

The New York Times reports on a internet user who used “AI” to compose a false and misleading obituary just to get clicks (and advertising revenue), spreading lies and drowning truth along the way.

Just go read it. The “intelligence” may be “artificial,” but the stupid is real.


The Bullies’ Pulpit 0

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. (Updated) 0

I find it ironic that what used to be called “data scraping” somehow morphs into being “training” when the scraper is labeled “AI.”


Can this be? Is “AI” the new blow-up doll?


Bruce Schneier offers a hint as to how to out “AI” bots on “social” media.


Frozen 0

It turns out that Teslas don’t seem to like really cold weather. Here’s a bit of the report from The Register:

In the Oak Brook suburb of Chicago, Illinois, where temperatures have routinely dipped way below freezing, local media reported public charging stations turning into “car graveyards” because motorists were unable to power their vehicles.

“Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent, and this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday,” Tesla owner Tyler Beard told Fox 32.

He wasn’t alone. Dozens of cars were reportedly lined up and abandoned at the Tesla supercharging station in Oak Brook along with multiple charging stations around Chicago.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

It turns out, when persons as “AI” questions about case law, “AI” tends to just make stuff up “hallucinate,” to use the term from the article at Above the Law.


The Surveillance State Society 0

The EFF reports on a victory for privacy. A snippet:

Phone app location data brokers are a growing menace to our privacy and safety. All you did was click a box while downloading an app. Now the app tracks your every move and sends it to a broker, which then sells your location data to the highest bidder, from advertisers to police.

So it is welcome news that the Federal Trade Commission has brought a successful enforcement action against X-Mode Social (and its successor Outlogic).

The FTC’s complaint illustrates the dangers created by this industry. The company collects our location data through software development kits (SDKs) incorporated into third-party apps, through the company’s own apps, and through buying data from other brokers. The complaint alleged that the company then sells this raw location data, which can easily be correlated to specific individuals.

More at the link.


I find it ironic that persons sweat bullets about limited and regulated “government surveillance” while willingly and heedlessly running nekkid before corporate collectors of confidentia–oh, never mind.


Deceptive by Design 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Penn State professor Patrick L. Plaisance looks at the hazards of designing Chatbots and similar “AI” mechanisms (after, that’s what they are: mechanisms) to interact with users (i. e., people) as if said mechanisms were people. For example, he mentions programming them so that they appear to be typing or speaking a response at a human-like speed when, in actuality, they formed their complete response in nano-seconds.

He makes three main points; follow the link for a detailed discussion of each.

  • Anthropomorphic design can be useful, but unethical when it leads us to think the tool is something it’s not.
  • Chatbot design can exploit our “heuristic processing,” inviting us to wrongly assign moral responsibility.
  • Dishonest human-like features compound the problems of chatbot misinformation and discrimination.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

“AI” for a Chevy chaser.


Training Day 0

Giant one-eyed monster labeled

Click for the original image.


The Crypto Con 0

Title:  Post-Holidays blues for a crypto-broker.  Image:  Man sitting in front of fireplace staring at an empty Christmas stocking.  Woman says,

Click for the original image.


It’s All about the Algorithm 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Mark Bertin reminds us that

Our devices’ software is engineered around a concept called persuasive design. Companies channel countless research dollars into maximizing profit gained by influencing where we spend our time online. Tech companies foundationally, intentionally, and continually collect our information while honing methods that can hold and disrupt our attention.

Follow the link for some suggestions as to how to escape the seductive lure of the algorithm.


“An Exercise of Market Power,” This New Gilded Age Dept. 0

Sam and the crew talk with David Dayen about a recent antitrust jury trial in which Google was found guilty.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Noah Feldman, Bloomberg columnist and (I did now that he is a) Harvard law professor, takes a look at the New York Times’s suit against Microsoft and OpenAI for copyright infringement. I can’t say that it’s an exciting read, but, given the who-shot-john and over-the-top hype about “AI,” I think it’s a worthwhile one.

Here’s a bit:

Once you know the law, you can guess roughly how the legal arguments in the case are going to go. The New York Times will point to examples where a user asks a question of ChatGPT or Bing and it replies with something substantially like a New York Times article. The newspaper will observe that ChatGPT is part of a business and charges fees for access to its latest versions, and that Bing is a core part of Microsoft’s business. The New York Times will emphasize the creative aspects of journalism. Above all, it will argue that if you can ask an LLM-powered search engine for the day’s news, and get content drawn directly from The New York Times, that will substantially harm and maybe even kill The New York Times’ business model.

Most of these points are plausible legal arguments. But OpenAI and Microsoft will be prepared for them. They’ll likely respond by saying that their LLM doesn’t copy; rather, it learns and makes statistical predictions to produce new answers.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

Title:  Future Veterans of the Information Wars.  Frame One:  Grizzled older man says,

Click to view the original image.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Michael Cohen hoists himself on the “AI” petard.

Michael Cohen, former President Trump’s ex-fixer and personal lawyer, said in newly unsealed court filings that he accidentally gave his lawyer fake legal citations concocted by the artificial intelligence program Google Bard.


Cohen wrote in a sworn declaration unsealed Friday that he has not kept up with “emerging trends (and related risks)” in legal technology and was not aware that Google Bard was a generative text service that, like Chat-GPT, could create citations and descriptions that “looked real but actually were not.” He instead believed the service to be a “supercharged search engine.”

Just because you see (or hear) it on a computer screen, it ain’t necessarily so.
