From Pine View Farm

Hate Sells category archive

A Notion of Immigrants 0

Texas A&M professor Andrew Dessler dissects the misdirection play.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

David decodes de code. (Warning: Short promo at the six-minute mark.)


The Panderer 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini, discussing an injunction against the Trump maladministration’s crusade against trans persons in the military, sums up the strategy succinctly:

Attacking trans individuals has become a big deal because Trump found a way to gain political support by catering to people’s prejudices.

Follow the link for context.


How Republicans Support the Troops, One More Time 0

Republicans erase more veterans, apparently because they weren’t white enough.


No Question of Identity 0

Veronika Tait argues that, when persons tell you who they are, you would do well to take them at their word.


A Tune for the Times 0


How Republicans Support the Troops, Reprise 0

Today’s Republican Party honors the troops by erasing memories of them . . . .

. . . in recent weeks, the (Arlington National–ed.) cemetery’s public website has scrubbed dozens of pages on gravesites and educational materials that include histories of prominent Black, Hispanic and female service members buried in the cemetery, along with educational material on dozens of Medal of Honor recipients and maps of prominent gravesites of Marine Corps veterans and other services.

Cemetery officials confirmed to Task & Purpose that the pages were “unpublished” to meet recent orders by President Donald Trump and Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth targeting race and gender-related language and policies in the military.

Via Driftglass.


Republican Family Values 0

More mean for the sake of mean, with some extra added stupid.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Gina Simmons Schneider reminds us that

(a)n MIT study found that false news, especially political disinformation, spreads many times faster than the truth on digital media. Fake news stories tend to be novel and inspire fear, disgust, and surprise, while true stories inspire sadness, joy, and trust. The researchers found that robots accelerated the spread of true and false news at the same rate.

Follow the link for some tools and techniques to protect yourself from poison on the disinformation superhighway.


Republican Family Values 0

At the Portland Press-Herald, Victoria Hugo-Vidal argues forcefully that the current who-shot-john over trans athletes competing in girls’ sports is all about mean for the sake of mean.

Follow the link for her reasoning.


Lies and Lying Liars 0

David dissects Elon Musk’s lies, at least, the ones he told in this interview. (Warning: Short promo at the end.)


The sad–and frightening–thing is, I think Musk believes his lies, because he wants them to be truths, just as some persons believe the Confederacy was a noble cause and slaveholders were indeed the “Southern gentlemen” they fancied themselves to be.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Heather Rose Artushin talks with Eve L. Ewing about how America’s original sin of chattel slavery continues to affect our society. Their conversation focuses primarily on how schools have served to perpetuate the myth of white racial superiority that was created to justify theft of labor through slavery. Given the recent assaults on schools and libraries and on efforts to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion, I recommend this as a timely and valuable read.

Here’s how the discussion starts (emphasis in the original):

Heather Rose Artushin: Your recent book, Original Sins, explores how American schools have helped build and reinforce an infrastructure of racial inequality. Please share a bit about the racial hierarchy that is rooted in the American education system and what readers should know about the ways our educational system perpetuates systemic racism.

Eve Ewing: The United States has very specific origins defined by the unique intersection of two forms of violence: the institution of chattel slavery and the mass killing and dispossession of the people indigenous to this land. In order for people to abide by these structures in a republic that defines itself as being the “land of the free,” where all men are created equal, requires a kind of mental gymnastics to reconcile a pretty obvious self-contradiction. That’s where schools come in . . . .


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

At, Roy S. Johnson hears a rhyme from six decades ago.


*Mark Twain.


Real Big Men 0

Robert Reich takes a long look at what he describes as “the centrality of male dominance and misogyny to Trump’s world” and at how it frames and explains much of the behavior of Trump and the Trumpettes.

I commend his article to your attention.


Republican Family Values 0

Title:  Protecting the Children.  Woman:  Aren't you worried about today's kids being filled with microplastics?  Red-hatted man:  We had lead paint and I turned out smart.  Woman:  What about measles and polio being reintroduced?  Man:  Makes 'em tough.  Woman:  School shootings?  Inevitable.  Woman:  Climate change?  Man:  Hoax.  Woman:  Extreme wildfires?  Man:  They'll adapt.  Woman:  Eliminationg the Department of Education?  Man:  Don't need it.  Woman:  A tiny number of minors who are prescribed puberty blockers?  Man:  We must overthrough democracy to stop it!

Click to view the original image.


I wonder what Dr. Freud would have to say about Republicans’ obsession with other persons’ sex lives.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

At AZcentral, Erika Andiola makes a convincing case that those who stir up anti-immigrant fears are deliberately pursuing a strategy of divide and conquer.


Establishmentarians 0

In a letter to the editor of the Portland Press Herald, the Rev. Dr. Douglas Nielsen suggests that America’s far-right evangelical they-call-themselves Christians may have mistaken an identity.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Emma talks with Syracuse University professor Austin Kocher about our immigration system is “brokent by design” and about the racism that underlies much anti-immigration feelings.


True Believers 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Diane E Dreher discusses the research of psychiatrist Paul Holinger on the psychological reasons why persons may be attracted to extremist groups. Given dis coarse discourse, I think offers a valuable perspective.

Here’s a bit:

Extremist groups today offer emotionally distressed people an emotional home. They give these people a reason for what they feel, a sense of belonging, cohesion, and an outlet for their rage. Dr. Holinger also explains that extremist groups offer people someone to blame for their poor conditions, for “in order to be in this violent group, you’ve got to have an enemy.”


A Notion of Immigrants 0

In a longer article about how certain California Republican congresspersons have been–er–taken aback by negative reactions to Donald Trump’s pogrom crusade against immigrants, SFGate quotes a “social” media user who methinks sums it up succintly:

“This is not ‘common sense reform,’” one person commented under an Instagram video of Jones expressing his support for the bill. “This is bigotry wrapped with a bow.”
