Health and Sanity category archive
Vaccine Nation, Suffer the Children Dept. 0
Pediatrician Susan Kressly, who happens to be president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, writes that anti-vax lies about vaccines have pediatricians worried. An excerpt (emphasis added):
The stupid. It burns.
Vaccine Nation 0
In an article at the Washington Monthly, Bill Scher admits that he is less than sanguine about the Republican Party’s decision to abandon medical science. Here’s a tiny bit of his article (emphasis added):
Fears that the Kennedy appointment will lead to dire public health consequences ratcheted up this week with the abrupt cancellation of an annual Food and Drug Administration meeting necessary to select strains for the next flu season vaccine.
Sabotaging the flu vaccine will kill people.
(Broken link fixed.)
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Azadeh Aalai looks at how the internet, and particularly “social” media, has empowered scams and scammers. She focuses on the career of Belle Gibson, the subject of two recent documentaries.
Aalai points out that
Follow the link for the rest, and, remember, just because you read it on a screen, it ain’t necessarily so.
Vaccine Nation 0
I had both kinds of measles when I was in elementary school. I can’t say they were terrible agony–certainly not any worse than the three cases of strep throat I had in my 20s–but they were not fun.
Why any sentient parents would choose to put their children at risk for that when it’s preventable is beyond me.
Doing so is cruel.
I do not think it an exaggeration to say that the anti-vax community promotes cruelty. Cruelty due to willful ignorance is still cruelty.
Gag Order 0
Heaven Trump forbid that federal agencies charged with protecting the health of the populace be allowed to have the unmitigated gall to warn persons of dangers to their health and well-being.
Vaccine Nation 0
At the Des Moines Register, Kimberly Witt remembers her mother’s struggles with polio when she was still a child, before the vaccine existed. She fears that Donald Trump and RFK Jr. will bring those days back.
Here’s tiny piece from her article:
“I was at the top of the stairs crying, and my parents had to carry me down,” my mom recalls. They took her to the doctor where she was diagnosed with paralytic polio.
Vaccine Nation 0
As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
The Medicine Show 0
Here’s a bit from the artist’s comments linked above (emphasis added):
Not long after announcing his plan to make cavities great again, RFK Jr. doubled down with his nonsense about the polio vaccine. How dumb is rolling back approval of the polio vaccine? Even Trump had to come out and say he was a big believer in it. It’s the “believer” part of that last sentence where we as a nation are running into trouble.
When it comes to the polio vaccine specifically, and medical science in general, there’s nothing to believe, only objective fact. . . . The Republican Party has had a troubled relationship with objective truth this past decade or so, and it’s about to start having a bigger effect on your health.
Today’s Republican Party not only values faction over country, it values faction over competence.
Definitions 0
The Portland Press-Herald’s Victoria Hugo-Vidal has a question:
Follow the link for her thoughts on the answer.