Horrors of the Night category archive
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
On this, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Andy Tix hears a number of disturbing rhymes.
Follow the link for rendition thereof.
*Mark Twain.
Facebook Frolics 0
At AL.com, Kyle Whitmire finds himself less than impressed with Mark Zuckerberg’s reasons for abandoning fact-checking Fakebook Facebook; Whitmire notes the irony (emphasis added):
And that’s just the start. Follow the link for the rest.
Meanwhile, in more news of the Zuckerborg . . . .
Something I Hoped Never To See Again 0
Pictures of children in iron lungs because of polio, but apparently RFK Jr. and his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers have other plans.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Foisted on you surreptitiously? Yes indeedy-do, at least if you use Windows 10 or higher.
No Place To Hide 0
There’s a reason internet companies make their terms of service virtually unreadable.
It enables stuff like this.
The Haunting 0
At Above the Law, Joe Patrice warns us to fear the Ghost of Chevron Deference, summoned from the past by the Supreme Supremacist Court.
Navigating the Disinformation Superhighway 0
WHYY, an excellent radio station which I listened to when l lived in the Philly area, offers some excellent pointers for avoiding misdirection ploys on the Disinformation Superhighway.
Empty Suits 0
At Above the Law, Liz Dye reports that Devin Nunes’s prolific pleadings seem to be proceeding poorly.
A Bridge To Fall 0
Keeping on the theme of debunking de bunk, Rebecca Watson takes on some the ludicrous conspiracy theories that have sprung up regarding the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge.
Or you can read the transcript.
Industrial Devolution 0
And, in related news:
“Over half of littered single-use plastic bottles collected during Truckee Day, the annual Town-wide litter cleanup, were water bottles,” the town of Truckee wrote in a March 17 news release. “These plastics do not decompose but break apart into harmful microplastics that enter local waterways and are potentially consumed by wildlife or the public.”
Spoiling the System 0
Lindsay M. Chervinsky looks at Donald Trump’s plans to effectively destroy the civil service and replace career civil servants with his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers.
Much more at the link.
Have Cake, Eat It Too 0
Apparently, Texas believes in the “right to life,” except when it doesn’t.
Just go read it. See if you can wrap your brain around it.
I certainly cannot.