Horrors of the Night category archive
Don’t Go There 2
The innerwebs tell me that panicked pols are touting banning travel to west Africa, even though portions of west Africa have struggled with ebola for years, and the rest of the world, for all practical purposes, has done little or nothing to help, because (to be blunt) it was Africa and nobody outside of Africa cared much if at all.
Methinks, as regards the US right now, a ban on travel to Texas would be more to the point.
After all, Texas is the US epi(demic)center for the disease and, unlike, say, for example, just to mention one, Nigeria, has proven itself incapable of dealing with the contagion.
“Wound Collector” 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Katherine Ramsland tries to find some explanations for the spate of mass shootings ending in the suicide of the shooter. The article does not purport to explain why they happen, but does find similarities among them that seldom get noted in the news coverage.
A nugget (emphasis in the original):
I call this coercive suicide. We don’t yet know Aguilar’s motive, but typically suicidal mass murderers have the added need to punish someone, to make a public show of their death as a “lesson,” and/or to add their own notch on the infamy scale.
Follow the link to find out what a “wound collector” is.
Twits on Twitter 0
Tony Norman comments on Geraldo’s “selfie.”
More selfie-awareness at the link.
Facebook Frolics 0
FB status update spooks the spooks, leading to a haunting.
When I Was Growing Up, There Were No Eagles 2
Not where I grew up, at least.
Now they have come back, as my irregular posts of my brother’s eagle pictures indicates–he lives directly across the Bay* from where we grew up.
And someone has been killing them, untentionally, it seems. The current theory is that they were collateral damage in an attempt to get foxes or coyotes (coyotes? there weren’t any of them, either).
Dick Destiny has a nice write up on his best guess as to what was used and on why that is his best guess.
*When you grow up on the Eastern Shore, the world is divided into two parts. “The Shore” and “across the Bay.”
Yippee Tyson on! 0
Did Nick Carter foresee modern agriculture?
Who destroyed the fractious factory farm?
Was Frank Perdue peeping around that corner?
Who conned Agra?
And what exactly is a “Monsanto,” anyway?
Find out now!
Listen to the Case of the Chemical Chickens (mp3) now!
Exporting Culture 0
Britain should consider this a hostile act:
WikiHysteria (Updated) 0
In the Philadelphia Inquirer, Tracy Rubin goes ga-ga because Visa’s, MasterCard’s, and Amazon’s websites got slow for a little while.
This is a serious overreaction, founded in ignorance of how computer networks actually function. Her “expert” is Richard Clarke, who (surprise, surprise) has a scary book to sell.
For a sane view of the cyberterrorism drumbeaters, read Dick Destiny.
Addendum, later that same week:
Dick Destiny, whose background in these matters is far stronger than mine, considers Ms. Rubin’s reasoning. The results are not pretty.