From Pine View Farm

Hypocrisy Watch category archive

Republican Thought Police 0

The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts cuts to the quick:

Free speech, it seems, must be protected … as long as our (Arizona Republican state legislative–ed.) leaders approve what’s being said, that is.

Follow the link for her evidence.


Lies and Lying Liars? 0

Farron points out the perfidity and perjury are not the same thing.


“The Free Speech Absolutist” 0

Title:  Invisible-Hand-of-the-Free-Market Man senses a brewing crisis.  Hand says to Elon Musk,

Click for the original image.


The Privatization Scam 0

Eric Foster calls out the school voucher con for the underhanded fraud that it is: a violation of the public trust and of governments’ fiduciary duty to the citizenry. Here’s a bit (emphasis added):

I call this kind of public financing of private education a reversion because, in my mind, it represents the government abdicating its duty to educate the citizenry. Again, the public school system was created because we decided that the government should be responsible for educating those whom it serves. When the government gives our tax dollars, which are taken so that the government can perform this duty, not to public schools created in furtherance of that public duty, but to private schools created to make a profit or serve some other private agenda, the government is breaching its obligation to the citizens.

I comment his entire piece to your attention.


Establishmentarians 0

Chris Satullo challenges the establishmentarian impulse of the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. Two tiny excerpts:

Mike, last night I took your advice. I took my Bible off the shelf and read the four Gospels straight through. What an inspiring, challenging, confounding set of words. Two thoughts:

1) Your idea that the Bible lays out a comprehensive, clearcut judicial code or policy program for a 21st century civil government does not survive five minutes sitting with the book open on your lap and your mind switched on.


2) One thing that is clear as day is that Jesus was suspicious (even contemptuous) of both the temporal and the institutional religious powers of his day, of Rome and the Pharisees.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


Republican Exceptionalism 0


Dick Polman has more.

Image via Juanita Jean.


Establishmentarians 0

Thom wonders why so many they-call-themselves Christians seem to miss the point of what the Bible reports to be Jesus Christ’s own words.


Foxy Shady 0

Emma and the crew dissect the misdirection play.

In related news, PoliticalProf looks at some numbers.


Insincerely Yours 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Dr. Bruce Y. Lee takes a deep dive into fake apologies. You know the ones; he describes them in his opening:

How many times have you seen politicians, business leaders, or celebrities issue apologies that leave you wondering: “Did that person actually apologize?” Or heard a coworker, friend, or someone else tell you something like, “I’m sorry that you misinterpreted my actions”, “I apologize if I offended you in any way”, or “Fine, I’ll apologize, if you insist,” which is, basically, an apology that doesn’t feel like a real apology?

Well, I regret to inform you that such apologies are not only fake but, unfortunately, very common.

Follow the link for some pointers on how avoid being taken in by them.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

There are none so blind as those who will not look.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

The New Secesh deploy duplicitous doubletalk to defeat desegregation.

Righting the wrongs of the past is in their eyes a wrong.


Creative Accounting, Reprise 0

Mother Goose says,

Click for the original image.


Creative Accounting 0

Donald Trump as a school boy writing on a blackboard,

Click to view the original image.


The Label behind “No Labels” 0

Jim Hightower follows the money.


Car Wars 2

David dissects the dissimulation.


The Bookfaker 0

Man walks down corridor labeled

Click to view the original image.


Lies and Lying Liars 0

Here’s Kevin McCarthy claiming that it was Democrats who wanted to shut down the government:

And, for more commentary on the Squeaker of the House . . . .

Via C&L, which has commentary.


Raging Bull 0

Title:  Man of the People.  Frame One, captioned

Click to view the original image.

Why the New York Times continues to pay something for this nothing is beyond me.


The Art of the Steal 0

Also, too.


For Your Dining Pleasure . . . . 0

This evening, why not treat yourself to a David Brooks Special?

Not a lot of substance, but, true Brooksian fashion, an awful lot of empty hot air.

From Pine View Farm
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