From Pine View Farm

Hypocrisy Watch category archive

Suffer the Children 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Chris Huston, in a longer article about how, in the fuss over abortion, men are somehow in no way held responsible for their role in unwanted pregnancies, expresses his befuddlement.

It has always baffled me that people who claim to be pro-life often seem to lose interest once the child is born. Restrict abortion? Sure. Support the child (and mother) with post-pregnancy health, education and adoption services? No thanks. My taxes are high enough.


All the News that Fits 0

Foxy shady.


Misdirection Play, Merchants of Death Dept. 0

Kevin McDermott deciphers the doubletalk.


“Love Thy Neighbor” “Do Unto Others” (Updated) 0


Michael in Norfolk addresses the same subject.


Misdirection Play, Invalid Syllogism Dept. 0

Thom gets into the weeds.


It’s All about the Benjamins, Reprise 0

At the San Jose Mercury-News, Louis Klarevas, Sonali Rajan and Charles Branas call out the absurdity of the NRA’s plan for the proliferation of portable phalli. Here’s a bit from their article:

. . . there are no elected officials claiming that the only way to stop a bad guy with a bomb is a good guy with a bomb.

One the same topic, the writer of a letter to the editor of The Roanoke Times calls out the misdirection play:

Shooting up a supermarket is not what a well-regulated militia does.

Follow the links for the rest.


The Courage of Their Conniptions 0

Frame One:  Anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers holding posters picturing masks and needles reading


How Far Will Wells-Fargo? 0

Pretty damned far.


A Moment of Venn, Reprise 0

Have you noticed the overlap between persons who fret about “government overreach” and the “Deep State” and those who would deny the existence of a “right to privacy” because that phrase does not specifically appear in the U. S. Constitution?


The Rule of Flaw 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr., suggests that Justice (sic) Clarence Thomas believes in (I’m paraphrasing here) “rules for thee but not for me.”


Another Voter Fraud Fraudster 2

Again, I think this is a classic example of projection.

Republicans are willing to cheat, so they believe everyone else is also willing to do so.


Freedom of Screech 0

Title:  The Absolutist.  Image:  Man:  As you know, I consider myself a principled free speech absolutist.  Sparky:  Ah, then you must be appalled by all these Republican efforts to ban books.  Man:  No, haven't really given it much though.  Does anyone still read books?  Sparky:  What about the bill in Florida prohibiting schools and businesses from inflicting

Click for the original image.


Incarceration Nation 0

At the Inky, Will Bunch uses the recent shooting (gang fight?) in Sacramento as a starting point to consider whether self-proclaimed tough-on-crime prosecutors, who tend disproportionately to target minorities and the poor (remember New York City’s “broken windows” policy?), make a difference. After crunching the numbers, he argues that they do not, despite their preening posturing and pandering to the prejudiced.

A snippet:

Zoom out a little to focus on policy at state level and you’ll find that Republicans have failed so far to implement an agenda that results in safer streets. Indeed, a new report from the centrist think-tank Third Way found “the five states with the highest murder rates, all Trump-voting states, had rates at least 240% higher than New York’s murder rate and at least 150% higher than California’s.” Perhaps that’s not as surprising as it seems, since conservative states tend to have a more entrenched gun culture, and laws to support it.


Both Sides Don’t 0



Freedom of Screech 0

At Above the Law, Joe Patrice explains that one thing is not like the other thing. An excerpt; follow the link for more.

. . . it’s not the same thing. Banning Maus . . . is a government action raising all manner of thorny constitutional issues because governments are obligated to represent everyone while Neil Young is a private actor telling another private actor that it can no longer profit off of his property.


Vaccine Nation, Have Cake, Eat It Too Dept. 0

Frame One:  Man in hospital bed says,

Click for the original image.

(The backstory.)


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

A convoy of deception clogs the corridors.


Practicing License without Medicine 0

Rebecca Watson traces the trajectory of a quack-up.


Uncomfortable Truths 0

At The Roanoke Times, Rob Neukirch reminds us that, taught honestly, history is not about feelings.

It’s about stuff that happened.


They Can’t Won’t Handle the Truth 0

At The Philadelphia Inquirer, journalism professor Linn Washington Jr. looks at the continuing attempts to conceal* “critical race theory” (which, again, is not taught in schools; it’s grad school topic) and, indeed, any discussion of America’s history regarding race and racism, from school children. He concludes

Critical race theory is not an existential threat to America.

The greater threat remains continued denial of truths about racism.

Follow the link for his path to that conclusion.


*Which, indeed, is what this is about: concealing truth in a cloud of pious, hypocritical “concern for the children.” They aren’t concerned about the children. They are concerned about their own damned white privilege.
