From Pine View Farm

Hypocrisy Watch category archive

Who Funds the Voter Fraud Fraudsters? 0

Corporations who profess to protest the voter fraud fraud, among others.


Diagnosis 0

Man on psychiatrist's couch says,

Click for the original image.


The Whitewashing of American History 0

I’m a Southern boy.

I lived through my own whitewashing in my segregated school, where what I was taught about Virginia’s history was, shall we say, less than objective. Then I trained to be an historian . . . .

Hell, I was taught that 1619 was the “red letter year,” because it saw the arrival of a significant number of English women to satisfy the lust of the colonists (lust was not addressed in the third grade) (that part seems questionable, but that’s what I was taught when I was eight years old), the creation of the first representative organ of government in the English colony, and the first arrival of African slaves.

Yes, I was taught that the establishment of slavery was a good thing, a red letter thing.

I guess you can call that “uncritical race theory,” the sort of “race theory” that the Republican Party now advocates.

The Republican Party has become the party of racism.


Get Me Rewrite! 0

Picture of book with the following on the cover:  American History Textbook.  Warning:  Contains Failure To Meet Ideals.  If Offended, Ask State Legislature To Ban It.

Via Job’s Anger.


Facebook Frolics 0

iPhone Phrolics.


Perpetually Playing the Victim 0


No Recuses 0

A crumb on the Scalia of justice.


All the News that Fits . . . 0

. . . and none that doesn’t.


Facebook Frolics 0


Marketplace Madness 0

Republican Elephant holds a Dr.Seuss book and a Potato Head toy while shouting,

Via Juanita Jean.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Frame One captioned

Click for the original image.


All the News that Fits . . . 0

. . . and none that doesn’t.


Hoist on the Elmer Gantry 0

Jerry Falwell, Jr., accused the Lincoln Project of being involved in publicizing the scandal which led to his ouster from Liberty University.

The Lincoln Project’s response is delightful.

The Lincoln Project didn’t make Mr. Falwell sit in the corner. The Lincoln Project didn’t make Mr. Falwell unbutton his pants on a super yacht and post a picture on social media. The Lincoln Project didn’t make Mr. Falwell stand with Donald Trump, though that now makes sense; they are kindred spirits. The Lincoln Project has had nothing to do with the public finally learning about the true character of the Falwell family.


Hoist on the Elmer Gantry 0

The chutzpah.

It amazes.


A Tune for the Times 0


Mea Maxima Culpa” 0

Bill Nemitz dissects a non-apology apology.


If a Lie Falls on Facebook and No One Is There To Fact-Check It, Is It Really a Lie? 0

Facebook doesn’t want anyone to find the answer.


Facebook Frolics, It’s All about the Benjamins Dept. 0


“Yes, But” Always Means No 0

Many years ago, in another incarnation, I was a management trainer in the corporate training department of a national corporation (one of the benefits was that I got to travel all over the country, mostly by rail; there is no better way to see the country than through the windows of a passenger train).

One of the classes that we taught was “Interpersonal Communications Skills” (among ourselves, we referred to it as “How To Talk Good,” but, really, it was much more about how to listen good). The title of this post is one of the catch phrases we used to use to drive a point home to the trainees.

Because it’s true.


Stray Question 0

PoliticalProf raises an interesting point.
