From Pine View Farm

Hypocrisy Watch category archive

Facebook Frolics 0

Same old, same old.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0



The Miracle Cure, as Seen on TV! 0

Are your supplies of Imbesol running low?

This article explains where you can find some more.


“Bad Apples” 0

Writing at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Elijah Todd-Walden finds that the “few bad apples” notion regarding rogue cops is of little comfort. A snippet:

Time and time again, those “bad apples” have been granted impunity to continue to tarnish the name of the police and taint the trust of the community, especially with black and brown Americans. Derek Chauvin had 18 complaints filed against him before he killed George Floyd, only two of which were closed “with discipline.”

Perhaps the most apt comment I’ve heard about “the few bad apples on the police force” theory of police brutality came in a recent episode of The Bob Cesca Show (I can’t remember precisely which one).

Suppose, asked one of the participants, that, after a pilot flew an airliner into the side of a mountain, the airline announced that it was just one of a few bad apples among its crews?


Facebook Frolics 0

Truthiness frolics.

Also, too.

Media Matters link via Atrios.


The Entitlement Society, Verbal Gymnastics Dept. 0

David Kyle Johnson, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, pierces the smokescreen raised when someone tries to end an argument by saying, “I have a right to my opinion.” A snippet (emphasis added):

The idea that one has a right to their opinion, and should be liberated from opposition, is also implied when people end discussions with a phrase like “we’ll just have to agree to disagree,” or insist that the nature of reality is merely a matter of interpretation. (“I know what he said, but what I got out of it was…”) But do people really have a right to their opinion in such circumstances?

Simply put, the answer is no. Indeed, in almost all circumstances in which they are uttered, such assertions are false.

Note the qualifier in the last sentence above. Johnson is not saying that persons don’t have a right to their opinions in matters of opinion. Rather, he suggests that, when someone is reduced to actually uttering the words, “I have a right to my opinion” (or equivalent), he or she is justifying cleaving to an opinion shown to be demonstrably wrong, wrong, wrong.

Methinks he may be onto something.

Follow the link for the full article.


The Code of Politeness 0

White guy with assault rifle slung over his shoulder says,

Click for the original image.


The Collar 0

Title:  The Reading of Rights for White-Collar Crimes.  Image:  Man in white shirt and tie being handcuffed by one FBI agent as another says,

Click for the original image.


The Art of the Con 0

Shaun Mullen.


Working Crass 0

Shorter Atrios: Persons who have never done an honest day’s work in their lives are criticizing AOC because she has.


Reworded Monday morning, but the same thought.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better, Reprise 0

Black couple standing in front of a court house the portico of which reads,

Click for the original image.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Will Bunch.


Hoist on the Elmer Gantry 0


Bleach Bite 0

The Kansas City Star reports that progress is being made towards an accommodation. Farron may be a bit overwrought in this recording, but I have witnessed enough incidents here and in other places I’ve lived in which the underlying motive was to make homeless persons just go away that I’m inclined to think he is on to something here.


Tales of the Trumpling, Have Cake Eat It Too Dept. 0


Remembrance 0

Badtux notes the intellectual acrobatics. The gist:

It’s interesting that the same people who keep telling blacks to get over that whole slavery thing, already, seem to be the same people who want to keep all those statues of slave-owners on every street corner in the South because they’re still not over the Civil War.


Flagging Interests 0

Father:  This debate over what disrespects the flag seems to be ongoing.  Curtis:  The Federal Flag Code, established in 1923, states a flag should never touch the floor,  nor be used as apparel or bedding, should never be used in advertising, nor as a costume on handkerchiefs or paper plates.  Father looks nonplussed as Curtis says,

Click for the original image.


No Ifs, Ands, or Buts 0

Dana Goetsch explores the craven, lick-spittle world of the “No Apology Apology.”


On Keeping One’s Hands to Oneself 0

The Baltimore Sun’s Tricia Bishop points out the sexual misconduct can be anywhere, as it knows no party, no industry, no social strata, no political or religious affiliation. She offers some advice for men befuddled as to what constitutes acceptable behavior. Here’s the gist:

Appropriate behavior seems a hard lesson for many men to learn, for reasons my female brain cannot fathom. As I’m in a helpful mood, let me break it down in very simple terms. Just as you shouldn’t say every little thing that pops into your head, you shouldn’t act on every little sexual urge that pops into your pants.


Name Change 0

It’s now “Taking Liberties Tax.”
