Mammon category archive
This New Gilded Age 0
This dude has clearly never worried about where his next meal was coming from.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
The Privatization Scam 0
At the Portland Press-Herald, Ann Arsenault Shultz debunks de bunk.
Transfer of Wealth, Republican Style 0
Michael in Norfolk deconstructs the double-talk.
The Crypto Con 0
C&L reminds us that cypto is the laundry soap for money-laundering and that Donald Trump is heading for the laundromat.
This New Gilded Age 0
Apparently, I am not alone in realizing that the 1890s are back.
Fly the Fiendly Skies . . . 0
. . . and get a complimentary bag of fiendliness.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
Michael in Norfolk perceives a rhyme in the news. A snippet:
*Mark Twain.
This New Gilded Age 0
Robert Reich fears that the existence of independent regulatory agencies may be in the crosshairs of today’s Robber Barons, aided and abetted by the Trump (mal)administration and the Supreme Supremacist Court.
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Azadeh Aalai looks at how the internet, and particularly “social” media, has empowered scams and scammers. She focuses on the career of Belle Gibson, the subject of two recent documentaries.
Aalai points out that
Follow the link for the rest, and, remember, just because you read it on a screen, it ain’t necessarily so.
The Cloak of the Crypto Con 0
In the midst of a longer article about how he is somewhat taken aback by the loyalty of the Trumpettes in the face of Donald Trump’s actions, Devin Scillian notes how Trump is profiting from the crypto con:
The whole article is worth a read.
This New Gilded Age (Updated) 0
Per Balloon Juice, Mike Lucovich is now banned from Xitter because of this cartoon.
The Crypto Con 0
Froma Harrop explains how it works. A snippet:
Follow the link for details.