From Pine View Farm

Mammon category archive

The Privatization Scam 0

Caption:  News:  Texas Senate classifies a family of four making $160,000 as

Click for the original image.


The Privatization Scam 0

And it is a scam. You can voucher on it.

(At about the eight minute mark, Emma and the crew veer off from that subject and discuss listener comments. but the part up to that is well worth a listen.)


The Unelected Co-Conspirator, Reprise 0

Thom Hartmann talks with Representative Mark Pocan about possible motivations for Elon Musk’s recent DOGEy actions.


“Nice Little Business You’ve Got Here. Wouldn’t Want Anything To Happen to It.” 0

Joe Conason marvels at Trump’s grift of grab. A snippet:

With the menacing manner of a mob boss, Trump has extorted million-dollar contributions from dozens of corporations that fear federal retribution against their shareholders or management (as in the case of Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg, who coughed up his million after Trump literally threatened him with “life in prison” not so long ago).

Follow the link for context.


This New Gilded Age 0

Robert Reich sees a strategy emerging from the Trumpled chaos. Here’s a bit:

He’s (Donald Trump–ed.) implementing a plan to make the wealthiest people in America far wealthier and more powerful, including Trump himself, and to turn American democracy into a giant corporation run by a handful of absurdly rich men.

He thinks he can accomplish this by getting the rest of us so angry at one another— over immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, diversity, and the like — that we don’t look upward and see where most of the wealth and power have gone.

Now. to be fair, I’m not sure that Donald Trump is capable of thinking in terms of a such long game; he seems to live in the moment. But some of the persons behind him (think Project 2025, for example) most certainly are. Our new generation of robber barons founded those “conservative” think tanks as part of their long game to return us to the 1890s.


The Privatization Scam 0

And it is a scam. You can voucher on it.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

The Washington Monthly’s Bill Scher hears a rhyme in the firings this time. A snippet; follow the link for a parsing of the parallels.

Less than a week after Trump was sworn in, he fired 17 inspectors general.

Inspectors general are federal government investigators embedded in government agencies to ferret out waste, fraud, and abuse. Lofgren’s prediction came in a review of the book Watchdogs by Glenn Fine, a former inspector general fired by Trump after 20 years of exemplary service.

Last week’s pink slips violated a law enacted three years ago in response to Trump’s first-term firings, which mandated 30 days’ notice to Congress before the president could terminate an Inspector General.

Trump’s illegal assertion of executive power echoes the attempt 158 years ago by President Andrew Johnson to fire Secretary of War Edward Stanton.


*Mark Twain.


This New Gilded Age 0

Title:  The Broligarchy Salute.  Image:  Billionaires giving a Nazi salute to Trump.  Elon Musk says,

Click for the original image.


Corporate Carrion Crows 0


This New Gilded Age 0

Sam and the crew follow the money to understand why the right-wing wants to get rid of what it–the right–refers to as “the administrative state,” that is, federal regulatory and research agencies established to protect the well-being of the country and its inhabitants. (Disregard the caption in the video below; it misses the gist of the clip.)

Read more »


Kindred Spirits 0

Two men breaking rocks in the fires of Hell.  One says,

Click for the original image.


This New Gilded Age 0

Farron follows the money.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders 0

SFgate’s Drew Magary explains why he deleted his account at Twitter X.


The Crypto Con in This New Gilded Age 0

Here’s the lede, via Truthout. Follow the link for the details

A Bitcoin advocacy group pushing President-elect Donald Trump to stockpile massive amounts of cryptocurrency and state-level efforts to do the same is run by fossil fuel operatives fighting to eliminate environmental regulations, including the author of the Project 2025 proposal to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency.

Not that those pushing crypto might have any ulterior motives . . . .


The Grift of Grab 0


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0


Broligarchy, Reprise 0

At, Kyle Whitmire sees a precedent–and it ain’t a pretty one.


Broligarchy 0


The Crypto Con 0

Everyone’s getting into the act.


It’s All about the Algorithm 0

Goat approaches Pig and Rat, who are holding their phones.  Goat says,

Click for the original image.

In the algorithm, “engagement” means “enragement.”

Learn more about The Chaos Machine.

From Pine View Farm
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