From Pine View Farm

Republican Lies category archive

Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Via David Pakman’s Youtube page, Brittany Page explores the New Secesh’s attempts to whitewash (I use that term advisedly) slavery and slaveholders. (As my two or three regular readers know, I have found David to be a reasoned and reliable commentator.)


I had ancestors who wore the grey. Indeed, one of them is immortalized in the Harper’s Ferry wax museum signing John Brown’s death warrant.*

I do not deny them, but neither do I try to justify what they did. (Understand, perhaps, as one who trained as an historian, but not justify.)

Those who refuse to learn from past evils doom themselves to repeating them.


*I may have mentioned this before in these electrons, but it was a moment for me when, on a visit to that museum some years ago, Second Son, still in school at the time, looked at the exhibit and said, “So, he was on the wrong side.”

That brought home to me with emphasis that, yes indeed, he was on the wrong side.

It was the wrong side then, and it is the wrong side now.

And it is still rising again after all these years.


The Greene New Spiel 0

David dissects the dissimulation. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


Republican Thought Police 0

In the course of a longer article about the Republican Thought Police in Alabama, Dr. Robert O. White II reminds us something George Orwell once wrote:

In his essay The Freedom of the Press, Orwell says: “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” Included in this is the right to speak, think and express one’s self without being questioned by the state police.

Follow the link for the rest of White’s article.


The Hunt for Hunter 0

David points out that even Fox News admits that there’s no there there.


Twits on Twitter X Offenders 0


Republican Thought Police 0

Teacher, writing the word

Via Job’s Anger.


The Impeacher Men, Reprise 0

Jim Jordan, Boris Badenuv, and James Comer sit at a table behind a card labeled

Click for the original image.


The Impeacher Men 0

Emma and the crew dissect the disinformation.

I lived in Delaware for many years and Joe Biden was one of my Senators. I did not know him personally (though I did see him on the train to Washington from time to time).

During the time he was my senator, I knew him to be an honorable man.

“Honorable” is a concept that today’s Republican Party, which, as I have noted, is a vile and loathsome thing, does not understand.


A Pillow of the Community 0

Looks like he’s had the stuffing kicked out of him.

A federal judge on Wednesday affirmed a $5 million arbitration award against MyPillow chief executive Mike Lindell in favor of a software engineer who challenged data that Lindell said proves China interfered in the 2020 U.S. presidential election and tipped the outcome to Joe Biden.

Lindell, natch, claims he will appeal.


Vaccine Nation 0

The editorial board of the Tampa Bay Times notes that, as more and more persons are falling for lies about vaccination (politely referred to as “vaccine hesitancy”), measles cases are increasing. (I can still remember suffering from measles when I was a young ‘un, before the vaccines came along, and mumps, which is much more serious in adults than in children, nearly killed my parents when I was a pre-schooler.)

The Times offers a simple bit of advice:

. . . listen to your doctor, not the clown on TV.

Follow the link for the complete editorial, where they point the finger of blame squarely at those who propagate this stupid.


We have over two centuries of proof, starting with the smallpox vaccine, that vaccines work.

Unfortunately, we have no vaccine against stupid.


Foxy Shady 0

David parses the perfidy.


The Voter Fraud Fraudsters 0


The Hunt for Hunter 0


The Voter Fraud Fraudsters 2

Trump-supporting voter fraud fraudster organization True the Vote admits that there is no there there.


“Nonsense All the Way Down” 0

David marvels at “woke football.” (Warning: Short commercial at the end, but you don’t have to watch it. His commentary, though, is worth five minutes of your time.)


A Tune for the Times 0


The Swift Vote Conspiracy 0

At the Tampa Bay Times, Daniel Ruth lays out the whole dastardly plot:

Months ago, Swith unleashed her malevolent powers when she encouraged her fans that it might be a nice thing if the went out and registered to vote. Oh the Blofeld terror of it all!

Worse yet, tens of thousands of Swifties actually–we here to clutch some pearls–actualy went out and registered to vote, lurching the cuontry to the precipice of anarchy.

Follow the link for more of the devilish details.


Russian Impulses 0

David dissects Tucker Carlson’s hockeypuck about his decision to toady up to interview Vladimir Putin. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


The Swift Vote Conspiracy 0

Sam and his crew find themselves dismayed by the delusional dimensions of this dis coarse discourse.


The Swift Vote Conspiracy 0

Rex Huppke wonders how the right-wing ever saw through the dastardly plot. A snippet:

As a liberal in good standing, all I can say is: Dammit, how did they figure it out?

I guess some of it was obvious. Pop superstar Swift has encouraged young people to register to vote and get involved in the electoral process, while her Chiefs tight-end boyfriend Travis Kelce has encouraged people to get vaccinated to protect themselves and others from a deadly and wildly contagious virus. Those are pretty liberal things to do.

But I didn’t think right-wing sleuths would connect the dots this quickly.

Oh well. The vaccinated cat is out of the reusable shopping bag, so I might as well let everyone in on the entire plan.

To echo Paul Harvey, follow the link for the rest of plan.
