From Pine View Farm

Political Theatre category archive

The Eastman Codex 0

Farron looks at a California judge’s ruling that Trump lawyer John Eastman should be disbarred. He starts by noting that the ruling does not disbar John Eastman; rather, that is up the the Bar Association. Nevertheless, the ruling has implications for Donald Trump, as Farron explains.


The Greene Raw Deal 0

Marjorie Taylor Greene stands like Moses holding two tablets.  The tablets read:  Thou shall not work with Democrats.  Thou shall not fund Ukraine.  Thou shall not wear face masks.  No God before Trump.  Thou shall not honor Capitol or Gaspacho police.  Thou shall not call J6

Via Job’s Anger.


It’s Bubblelicious 0

Seth takes a closer look at the Truth Social stock bubble.


By the Numbers 0

Thom talks with New Republic Editor Michael Tomasky about the actual state of the economy and about how and why it’s not reported accurately.


False Profits 0

Donald Trump holding up his

Via Job’s Anger.


Status Quo Ante 0

So much winning.


The Endless War 0

Title:  Lifelong Battle against Fascism.  Frame One:  American soldier in WWII fighting fascism in 1944.  Frame Two:  Same soldier, now a veteran in a wheelchair, voting against the GOP in 2024.

Click for the original image.


“Vote in the Real World” 0

I forget how many years I’ve been saying that over there—————-> on the sidebar, but it’s been a while.

Yesterday, I was gratified to learn that columnist Mona Charen, who almost certainly has never heard of me (and likely never will), agrees with me. She argues as much in her column:

A third party is the coward’s way out

Follow the link for her reasoning, which, I must say, is quite sound, given that she agrees with me.


A Toon for the Times 0


A Bridge To Fall 0

PoliticalProf does the math.

Also, dolphins.


A Pillow of the Community 0

Mike Lindell discovers that actions (sometimes) have consequences.


Methinks F. T. Rea’s musing on “the believers,” though he does not mention Lindell, may cast some light on how Lindell got to this point. A snippet:

Hey, once a faithful follower views Trump as a modern deity, who naturally can do no wrong, it’s a snap to see all of Trump’s pesky legal problems as having been invented by his election-stealing political opponents.


Courting Disaster 0


The Voter Fraud Fraudsters 0

Writing at the Arizona Republic, E. J. Montini takes issue with a fake elector who is trying to claim that he did nothing wrong. A snippet (emphasis added):

“I will not let Gov. Hobbs, Attorney General Kris Mayes or Democrat Party ‘lawfare’ suppress my exercise of the rule of law or suppress my ability to preserve, protect and defend the constitutional freedoms that our republic was founded upon,” he said.

Actually, I think the republic was founded on the democratic principle that voters — not fake electors — decided elections


Follow the link for more of Montini’s musings on the matter.


One Thing Is Not Like the Other Thing 0

Frame One:  Image of a Janury 6 convict sitting in jail, captioned,

Click to view the original image.


Dis Coarse Discourse, Both Sides Don’t Dept. 0

In a longer post about NBC’s fatuous decision to hire Trump apparatchik Ronna MacDaniel, Dick Polman points out a major fallacy in how media covers political news (emphasis added):

NBC’s corporate overlords clearly hired McDaniel to give the news division a patina of “balance.” The fundamental problem, of course, is that the traditional “both sides” paradigm – Republicans balancing Democrats and vice versa – is deader than the Ford Edsel. The tradition paradigm worked well back when both parties were devoted to the American experiment. Today, however, one party has devolved into an authoritarian cult that’s built on a scaffolding of lies. There can be no “balance” in such an asymmetrical political climate. There can be no “balance” when one side – peopled with the likes of Ronna McDaniel – devotes itself to the overthrow of the democratic process.

Follow the link for the full article.


Massaging the Message 0

Frame One, title:  Trump 2024 Campaign Slogans.  Frame Two, captioned

Click for the original image.


A Tune for the Times 0


Squeaker of the House 0

Mike Johnson as a male stripper called

Via Job’s Anger.


“Who Let the Dogs Out? Who? Who?” 0

When you point a finger at someone else, always remember three fingers are pointing back at you.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Clumsy Carp reads the definition of

Click for the original image.

For example.
