From Pine View Farm

Republican Hypocrisy category archive

Sauce for the Goose? 0

The Rude One responds, How about some sauce for the gander?


Patriot Gamers 0

Title:  Notice:  Trump orders 80,000 layoffs at VA.  Image:  Empty office full of vacant desks.  A phone is ringing.  The answering machine says,

Via Job’s Anger.


A Tune for the Times 0


Unfriended 0

Caption:  State of the Union.  Image:  Donald Trump on the rear platform of a train car lebeled

Click for the original image.


All That Was Old Is New Again 0

Thom argues that Donald Trump is bringing back the spoils system. (And, yes, it was Garfield.)


The Crypto Con 0

C&L reminds us that cypto is the laundry soap for money-laundering and that Donald Trump is heading for the laundromat.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

Another person hears that rhyme from Munich 87 years ago.

And, in possibly related news, Field has a wonder.


*Mark Twain.


The Patriot Gamer 0

Donald Trump stands at a podium.  Teleprompters in front of him read

Click to view the original image.


When Fiction Becomes Reality 0

At The Philadelphia Inquirer, Kathryn Grossman makes a strong case that, under the Trump maladministration, we are being transported into the world of George Orwell’s 1984.


The Deserter 0

Der Spiegel takes an in-depth look at Donald Trump’s decision to abandon America’s allies, as illustrated by his recent meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. A snippet (emphasis added):

It would be naïve to view the spat between Trump and Zelenskyy last week, broadcast on live television from the Oval Office, as a dispute over the details of a possible peace deal. The rupture was so unique because it showed the entire world that the U.S. under Donald Trump no longer wants to be the leader of the free world. The country that lost more than 250,000 soldiers in World War II to protect Europe from fascism is suddenly displaying a degree of moral indifference that has left its allies gasping for breath.

Methinks it safe to say that, under America, America is no longer “a shining city on a hill,” to quote Ronald Reagan.

What it seems to be becoming gives me shudders.

And methinks it is influenced in great part by the legacy of America’s original sin of chattel slavery.


A Tune for the Times 0

(Mild language.)


The Art of the Deal 0



This New Gilded Age 0

Apparently, I am not alone in realizing that the 1890s are back.


Russian Impulses, One More Time 0

Trump and Putin dance together as Trump kicks the EU to the side and Putin kicks Zelensky to the side.

Click for the original image.


Russian Impulses, Reprise 0

The Rude One is not sanguine. Here’s a tiny bit from his article; follow the link for the rest (warning: rudeness):

The Oval Office meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky . . . . It was victim-blaming on a scale that would have given pause to even the most craven propagandist, with the fat, slurring, demented president of the United States, egged on by his sociopath VP, berating the genuinely heroic leader of a country that had been holding up under attack from a far larger and better-equipped military. Zelensky was patient beyond any reasonable standard as he attempted to bring some facts to pierce the thick, empty skull of a harrumphing Trump. If Zelensky had said, “Get this little bitch JD Vance out of my face,” no one would have blamed him. Well, no one with a brain and a soul.

The effect of this meeting was to take the United States out of its place as a leader in the world. We are now on our way to becoming like Russia . . . .


Suffer the Children 0

Again, that’s not scripture. That’s Republican policy (emphasis added).

. . . on Wednesday, Rubio and Marocco completely ended nearly 10,000 aid programs in one fell swoop — including those they had granted waivers just days earlier — saying the programs did not align with Trump’s agenda. The move consigns untold numbers of the world’s poorest children, refugees and other vulnerable people to death, according to several senior federal officials. Local authorities have already begun estimating a death toll in the hundreds of thousands.

Follow the link for details.


Republican Family Values 0

Title:  Protecting the Children.  Woman:  Aren't you worried about today's kids being filled with microplastics?  Red-hatted man:  We had lead paint and I turned out smart.  Woman:  What about measles and polio being reintroduced?  Man:  Makes 'em tough.  Woman:  School shootings?  Inevitable.  Woman:  Climate change?  Man:  Hoax.  Woman:  Extreme wildfires?  Man:  They'll adapt.  Woman:  Eliminationg the Department of Education?  Man:  Don't need it.  Woman:  A tiny number of minors who are prescribed puberty blockers?  Man:  We must overthrough democracy to stop it!

Click to view the original image.


I wonder what Dr. Freud would have to say about Republicans’ obsession with other persons’ sex lives.


Russian Impulses 0



The Rule of Lawless 0

At the Portland Press Herald, Roger Smith thinks he may have caught a tell.

Whether or not he’s right about that (I just can’t bring myself to check it out for reasons that should be obvious), methinks he still makes a valid point


The Fifth Columnist 0

In World War II, my father was in the Ardennes during the winter of 1944-45. He almost never spoke of his experiences there, but I am confident that he would agree with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Adriana E. Ramírez, who writes

I never thought I would ever have to imagine a world in which the United States advocated for Russian interests.

Go read the rest.

From Pine View Farm
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