“That Conversation about Race” category archive
A Notion of Immigrants 0
Texas A&M professor Andrew Dessler dissects the misdirection play.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
Writing at The Philadelphia Inquirer, Andrew Sillen tells of hearing a most disturbing rhyme echoing from time spent teaching in apartheid South Africa. A nugget:
*Mark Twain.
The Panderer 0
The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini, discussing an injunction against the Trump maladministration’s crusade against trans persons in the military, sums up the strategy succinctly:
Follow the link for context.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
As he looks at the Trump maladministration’s attempts to move the clock back to the 1950s–if not, indeed, the 1850s– Carlton Winfrey hears many rhymes.
Link to the NPR story via Atrios.
*Mark Twain.
How Republicans Support the Troops, One More Time 0
Republicans erase more veterans, apparently because they weren’t white enough.
Republican Family Values, Meet a Notion of Immigrants 0
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports:
This Wisconsin man voted for Trump. Now his wife sits in an ICE detention center.
Follow the link to learn more about how much Republicans value families.
No Question of Identity 0
Veronika Tait argues that, when persons tell you who they are, you would do well to take them at their word.
How Republicans Support the Troops, Reprise 0
Today’s Republican Party honors the troops by erasing memories of them . . . .
Cemetery officials confirmed to Task & Purpose that the pages were “unpublished” to meet recent orders by President Donald Trump and Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth targeting race and gender-related language and policies in the military.
Via Driftglass.
Republican Family Values, Meet a Notion of Immigrants 0
Natch, the result of the meeting is more mean for the sake of mean.
Lies and Lying Liars 0
David dissects Elon Musk’s lies, at least, the ones he told in this interview. (Warning: Short promo at the end.)
The sad–and frightening–thing is, I think Musk believes his lies, because he wants them to be truths, just as some persons believe the Confederacy was a noble cause and slaveholders were indeed the “Southern gentlemen” they fancied themselves to be.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Heather Rose Artushin talks with Eve L. Ewing about how America’s original sin of chattel slavery continues to affect our society. Their conversation focuses primarily on how schools have served to perpetuate the myth of white racial superiority that was created to justify theft of labor through slavery. Given the recent assaults on schools and libraries and on efforts to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion, I recommend this as a timely and valuable read.
Here’s how the discussion starts (emphasis in the original):
Eve Ewing: The United States has very specific origins defined by the unique intersection of two forms of violence: the institution of chattel slavery and the mass killing and dispossession of the people indigenous to this land. In order for people to abide by these structures in a republic that defines itself as being the “land of the free,” where all men are created equal, requires a kind of mental gymnastics to reconcile a pretty obvious self-contradiction. That’s where schools come in . . . .
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
The name of yet another secessionist general dons a disguise a returns to (dis)grace a U. S. Army base.
Do the Party of the New Secesh really think that they are fooling anyone with their silly cover stories here?