From Pine View Farm

C’est Rire category archive

Loyalty Oaths 0

Out Roanoke way, a long-time Republican is fed up after trying to vote in a “firehouse primary” (whatever that is–sounds sort of like a caucus).

I’ll quote a bit of his article, but, really, you should read it.

Along with the usual questions — name, address, phone number, etc. — were questions to which I was required to answer in the affirmative, two of which immediately caught my eye.

One asked if I was in support of the “principles of the Republican Party” and the second required that I affirm that I would support/vote for whomever the Republicans had nominated to run in the November election.

Believing for a split second that Vladimir Putin would suddenly appear and congratulate me for showing up to ensure that he would receive the usual 96.7 percent of the vote, I was incredulous.

When I responded that I had no idea what the “principles of the Republican Party” were . . . (read the rest–ed).

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And Now for Something Completely Different 0

Think twice about the Disney Princess Industrial Complex.


Beaver Power 0

AKA, revenge of the rodents.

A tree felled by a beaver was cited as the cause of a power outage that impacted about 2,900 Aroostook County customers of Emera Maine Monday night.


Meet “The Insufferables” 0

Disputes break out among Jeff the Cyclist, Freddy the Fruitarian, Victor the Vegan, and Ernest the Electric Vehicle Driver at the Conference for the Self-Righteous

Click for a larger image.

I swear I saw Jeff pedaling frantically along this morning.


Soup or Sausage? 0


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


Not Dean’s List Material 0

Then, again, that may depend on which list.

Better luck next time, Dean.

When a student by that name at a Radnor Township university ordered fake IDs from China, his first mistake was having the cards delivered to campus, police say.

The second was not realizing that he shared a name with a ranking school administrator.

Hijinks ensue.


Dogging It 0

I’m so old that I can remember when a dog was just a dog.


Drive Carefully 0

Hot-dogging it on the highways leads to no good.


Headline of the Day 0

The copy boys had fun with this one.

Maiden woman faces drug charges


Coffee Break 0

Via Farnsworth, who has commentary.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0

Via The Oregonian.


Remember, They Are Carnivores 0

Your cat is trying to kill you.  Evidence:

Via Farnsworth.


Retrospective 0

Dave Barry’s Year in Review.

Read it.


The Galt and the Lamers, Just in Time for Christmas Dept. 0

Ayn Rand reviews children’s movies. A snippet:

“Old Yeller”

A farm animal ceases to be useful and is disposed of humanely. A valuable lesson for children. —Four stars.

Via Balloon Juice.


Thanksgiving Terrors 0


And Now for Something Completely Different 0

For best results, mute the volume.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


The Hollywood Schlock Factory 0

Warning: Taste, or lack thereof.

H/T to The Will Wheaton Project.


Bus Passed 0

School bus high and dry on ledge.

I used to live just up the road from there. Click the image to find out what gives.

From Pine View Farm
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