From Pine View Farm

Politics of Hate category archive

The Cover Story 0

Title:  The Department of Gaslighting Efficiency.  Image:  Two guards on the rampars of a castle look down on invading army equipped with a battering ram.  Leader of the invaders says,

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What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt Them 0

Title:  New Mission Statement.  Image: Linda McMahon stands before the seal of the Department of Education saying,

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The Rule of Lawless 0

Farron runs the numbers.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

ICE officials dragging Lady Justice onto a plane to be expatriated.

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Republican Thought Police 0

The great erasure continues, and it’s looking more and more like an attempt to rewrite erase factual history. A snippet from the report at CNN (emphasis added):

But dozens of the articles either flagged for removal or removed already — but still accessible via the Internet Archive’s Wayback machine — and reviewed by CNN have no ostensible connection to DEI programs; race theory; gender ideology or identity-based programs.

At least half a dozen articles already removed are about the Holocaust and now have the word “DEI” in their URL.

Those include an article about Holocaust survivor Kitty Saks, which remembers the Holocaust as “the state-sponsored, systemic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry”; an article about Holocaust Remembrance Week; and an article titled “A Cadet’s Perspective: Holocaust Days of Remembrance.”

Via joemygod.


Republican Thought Police 0

Journalism professor Rob Miraldi looks at Donald Trump’s decision to punish the Associated Press for not bending to his will refusing to call the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America; he fears that it is but a beginning. Here’s bit from his article:

Last July I wrote a column in this space, warning of what was to come. I talked with Marty Baron, who for nine years observed Trump while editor of The Washington Post. Baron was clear.

Trump would not only go after freedom of the press. “Any effort to eliminate freedom of press,” he warns, “is the first step to eliminate freedom of speech.”


Republican Family Values, Meet a Notion of Immigrants 0

Natch, the result of the meeting is more mean for the sake of mean.


The Rule of Lawless 0

The PIttsburgh Post-Gazette’s Gene Collier is not sanguine. A snippet; follow the link for the complete article.

So how does it feel, in the milieu of legal scholars, to know that at every pivotal turn in the metastasizing matter of Donald Trump, the law has failed. Merrick Garland and other assorted legal Olympians all the way to John Roberts, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, have made it so that Trump needn’t fear the law. Worse, much much worse, the law now fears him.


Republican Family Values 0

Yet more evidence that mean for the sake of mean is a Republican family value.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

John Oliver calls out the con.

Via C&L.


False Flag 0

At the Des Moines Register, U. of Iowa professor Elizabeth Heineman makes a strong case that, while the Trump maladministration is claiming to “fight antisemitism,” it’s actually doing something quite different. Here’s a bit from her article (emphasis added):

Lila Corwin Berman, a historian of American Jewish life at New York University, underscores the threat to free speech posed by such disingenuous strategies to fight antisemitism. As she puts it, “the Trump administration is using antisemitism as an excuse to obliterate Title VI, undermine civil rights, and incapacitate higher education. … If Jewish safety mattered, our government would seek to strengthen universities where Americans can learn about the past and think about how to create a better future, and our elected officials would fight to preserve democracy.”


The Patriot Gamer 0

Donald Trump stands at a podium.  Teleprompters in front of him read

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The Deserter 0

Der Spiegel takes an in-depth look at Donald Trump’s decision to abandon America’s allies, as illustrated by his recent meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. A snippet (emphasis added):

It would be naïve to view the spat between Trump and Zelenskyy last week, broadcast on live television from the Oval Office, as a dispute over the details of a possible peace deal. The rupture was so unique because it showed the entire world that the U.S. under Donald Trump no longer wants to be the leader of the free world. The country that lost more than 250,000 soldiers in World War II to protect Europe from fascism is suddenly displaying a degree of moral indifference that has left its allies gasping for breath.

Methinks it safe to say that, under America, America is no longer “a shining city on a hill,” to quote Ronald Reagan.

What it seems to be becoming gives me shudders.

And methinks it is influenced in great part by the legacy of America’s original sin of chattel slavery.


The Rule of Flaw 0

At Above the Law, Kathryn Rubino interprets the inducement to incitement.


The Agent of Chaos 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Kim Shinkoskey asks a question, then he answers it:

Have you ever heard of the phrase “domestic tranquility” in the writings of our nation’s founders? Today, Trump is aiming for domestic chaos . . . .

Follow the reasons for his answer.


Sauce for the Gander 0

Caption:  If Elon answered his own email.  Image:  Elon Musd faces a computer screen displaying the words,

Via Job’s Anger.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Frame One:  Donald Trump says,

Click for the original image.


The Rule of Lawless 0

GOP Elephant says to Donald Trump,

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Immunity Impunity 0

If it’s not in a database, then it must have never happened.


Stray Thought 0

It occurs to me that Trump’s MAGA slogan is in rhyming code.

The third word is one that rhymes with “great,” but actually starts with the next letter of the alphabet. And he’s made it come true.

Here’s just one little example.
