From Pine View Farm

Politics of Hate category archive

Precedented 0

Thom sees parallels.


Donald Trump’s Incarcernation 0

Two men in WWII German SS uniforms outside

Also, along the same lines . . . .

Image via Juanita Jean.


Foxy Shady 0

The Fox News strategy: If the truth hurts, hurt the truth.


Precedented 0

Thom hears echoes of the past in oue present.

To echo Maya Angelou, when someone tells you who they are, believe them.


My father did not fight fascism in the Ardennes so that today’s Republican Party could embrace fascists.

Honest to Pete, if Ev Dirksen or Nelson Rockefeller came back today, they would be appalled at what their party has become. (Richard Nixon, maybe not so much . . . .)



Jen Psaki: Heed the Warning 0

Via C&L, which has commentary.


The Bully’s Pulpit 0

At Above the Law, Liz Dye reports on Donald Trump;s efforts to protect his freedom of screech.

I linked to this yesterday, but, really, Gene Collier nailed it.


Courting Disaster, Reprise 0



The Haunted House on the Hill, Reprise 0

Title:  Haunted House GOP.  Image:  Two costumed trick-or-treaters stand outside a broken-down old mansion whose yard is stippled with tombstones.  One says,

Click for the original image.


Republican Thought Police 0

You can’t make this stuff up.

We are a society of stupider.


The Transmogrification 0

At the Las Vegas Sun, letter writer Darryl Cornelius traces the path of the Republican Party from the party of Lincoln to the party of stinkin’.


The Bullies’ Pulpit 0

Mona Charon discusses how threats of violence, both implicit and explicit, have come to pollute our polity coincident with rise of Trump. A snippet:

I have often stressed that in 2016 it required only political courage to stand against Trump, but by 2020, due to the decay of decency in the GOP, it required physical courage, too. If some critical mass of Republicans had demonstrated the requisite political courage in 2016, it would never have come to this — that in the United States, political and other figures must think about their physical safety before deciding how to speak or vote.

Follow the link for her supporting evidence.


The Artful Codger, Reprise 0

President Biden speaks to striking workeers,

Via Juanita Jean.


The Artful Codger 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Jesse Robison marvels at how Donald Trump inspires so much loyalty when, if you look closely, you will see that there’s no there there. A snippet:

For a man who shows loyalty to no one, it is puzzling how former President Donald Trump has been able to maintain his voter base. He knows how to sling catchy political phrases, but if one digs there’s no substance behind his political messaging.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


Methinks it’s not the promises that attract the Trumpettes.

It’s Trump’s giving them permission to hate in public.

History teaches us that, all too often, hate sells.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Emphasis on the “rant.”


A Tune for the Times 0


Targeting Targets (Updated) 0


Grung_e_Gene has more


And then there’s this.


Will Bunch: “Red States Have Become Laboratories of Autocracy” 0

Let Will Bunch explain why he said that.

He can explain his reasoning much better than can I, but here’s a teeny bit more context for the above statement:

Under the sway of DeSantis, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and far-right lawmakers in Wisconsin and elsewhere, red states have become laboratories of autocracy. They’ve laid the groundwork for anti-democratic rule in Washington by inventing voter-fraud scandals (DeSantis’ election police) and undoing the results of democratic elections (the unwarranted removal of two Florida elected prosecutors). Both DeSantis and Abbott endorse sometimes violent demonization of The Other, with their migrant flights and buses and a killer barrier against refugees in the Rio Grande. Republicans politicize justice by going after the innocent (Wisconsin justice Janet Protasiewicz) and clearing the guilty (Texas AG Ken Paxton). Their opposition to knowledge, science, and the tolerance that DeSantis calls “woke” is destroying education, with 47% of Florida’s public college professors looking for work in other states.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

At the Bangor Daily News, University of Maine professor Nicole Coffey Kellett argues that truth-full truth matters.


A Stark Choice 0

Melinda Henneberger lays it out.


The Marjorie Taylor Greene New Deal 0


Methinks David’s suggested term for posts by X Offenders is well-worth adopting.
