From Pine View Farm

Titans of Industry category archive

Fly the Fiendly Skies 0


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

Close up on man saying to woman,

Click for the original image.


The Pusher Men 0


Benighted Airlines 0

Thom points out that the “rule” United Airlines cited to justify beating the bejesus out of one of their customers does not exist. “Deny boarding” is not the same thing as “removal from the plane.”


Fly the Fiendly Skies, Reprise 0

Meanwhile, Michael Hiltzik dissects United’s excuses. Here’s a bit from his piece:

United CEO Oscar Munoz then made things worse with a statement of Orwellian doublespeak. “This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United,” he said. “I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers,” whatever that means.


But Munoz, whose version of the episode appears to come from the playbook of how to dig oneself into an ever deeper hole, also undermined the argument that the flight was overbooked. He related that “after the flight was fully boarded,” gate agents “were approached by crewmembers that were told they needed to board the flight.” The implication is that the crew members heading to Louisville were late in arriving, that every passenger held a paid ticket and had been properly boarded, and that only belatedly did United decide to pull passengers off the plane to make room for the crew.

Video via SeattlePI.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

Many years ago, my ex had a great flight on United Airlines.

They couldn’t get a plane off the ground and reaccommodated her to other airlines in both directions.


I understand that United is working on a new slogan:

You can’t beat United Airlines, because United Airlines beats you first.

Also, too (H/T my brother for the link).


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0


A Case of Consumption 0

Lee Camp tees off on that recent Pepsi ad. (Warning: Language, and lots of it.)

At Psychology Today Blogs, Pamela D. Rutledge has a less profane take. A snippet:

The ad will not hurt Jenner. Much like Hilton’s sex tapes, when your goal is to maintain celebrity, any attention helps. The more clicks the better. Fans will rally to her defense.

For Pepsi, however, this has been a significant fail. Rather than pushing the edge of pop culture to show themselves youthful and “with it,” they have potentially alienated a younger generation known for having high levels of social concern.


Koch Dealers 0

Thom reads from the platform for which David Koch ran for president in 1980 on the Libertarian ticket. It’s more out there than you can imagine.


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0


Lies and Lying Liars 0


“Corruption without Limit” 0


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0


The Pusher Men 0


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0


Suddenly, the Situation Becomes More Clear-Cut 0


Click for the original image.

Update: Link fixed.


Oh, Beautiful for Spacious Skies 0

EPA Secretary Pruitt sits at desk in front of pictures of smokestacks belching smoke, sewers draining into bodies of water, and truck spewing exhaust.  He says to underling,

Click for a larger image at the original location.

Dick Polman has details.



Pretty soon, you won’t be able to own anything. Everything will be licensed. From the EFF:

John Deere is at it again, trying to strip customers of the right to open up and repair their own property. In the new License Agreement for John Deere Embedded Software [PDF], customers are forbidden to exercise their repair rights or to even look at the software running the tractor or the signals it generates.

The document purports to govern “any Software, data files, documentation, engine calibration tables, proprietary data messages, and controller area network (CAN) data messages that are in or communicated to or from any” covered product. Many of these items are numerical values that do not contain any copyrightable expression. The document forbids you to, among other things, “modify,” “reverse engineer,” or “reproduce” the covered information. These are necessary steps to understanding, repairing, and improving upon your equipment.


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0


Everybody Must Get Fracked 1

Farron rips on President Obama for not doing anything about fracking. He may have a point, but given the Congress of the last six years, it’s a very small one.

From Pine View Farm
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