From Pine View Farm

Titans of Industry category archive

Bridezilla . . . Meet Groomzilla 0

Wedding of AT&T Groom and Time Warner Bride.  Preacher asks,

Click for the original image.


German Engineering 0

It’s a thing.


In the rush to market shiny new computerized things, marketing trumps computer security every day of the week and twice on Sundays.


Nor Any Drop To Drink 0

Wicked Witch holding glass of water to Snow White:  I left the apple business.  Governor McCrory put me in charge of the state's water quality.

Click for the original image.

Background here.


North Carolina Bows before the Duke of Hazardous 0

This is, natch, in no way related to N. C. Governor Perry’s having been employed by the Duke of Hazardous for three decades. Such a connection would be highly improp–oh, never mind.

North Carolina’s top public health official acted unethically and possibly illegally by telling residents living near Duke Energy coal ash pits that their well water is safe to drink when it’s contaminated with a chemical known to cause cancer, a state toxicologist said in sworn testimony.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of the 220-page deposition given last month by toxicologist Ken Rudo as part of a lawsuit filed against Duke by a coalition of environmental groups. The nation’s largest electricity company has asked a federal judge to seal the record, claiming its public disclosure would potentially prejudice jurors.


Spill Here, Spill Now, Cleanup Never 0

Buccaneer Petroleum, the Legacy: Public health makes a corexit, stage right.


Better Things for Better Living 0


Protect the Net 0


Powder Keg 0


The Pusher Men 0


Where There’s Fire, There’s Smoke 0

In the Bangor Daily News, Philip Duffy reports that some Congresspersons want to take jurisdiction over the laws of chemistry, likely at the behest of the lumber industry (emphasis added):

Seven senators, including Angus King and Susan Collins, sponsored the amendment. In response, more than 60 scientists and three professional societies signed onto a letter, pointing out a serious factual error in the proposed legislation. The irony is that all seven backers of the amendment accept the reality of climate change.

The amendment would mandate that all federal agencies treat the burning of wood from forests as a “renewable energy resource” that is “carbon neutral,” meaning it does not add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Reality is more complex, but forest bioenergy certainly is not carbon neutral. The carbon footprint of bioenergy should be measured scientifically on a case-by-case basis rather than broadly specified by legislation.

Follow the link to see Duffy delve into the lamer rationale for this endeavor.

I don’t quite know what’s worse about this: the stupid or the craven.


Lies, Damned Lies, and Press Releases 0

Follow this link and read the story, then look below the fold to see what I think is the most outrageous statement in it.

Read more »


Crafty Beers 0

You know that craft brewery? There’s a good chance it’s not. Fred Grimm describes how he got gulled.

I was a beer-drinking revolutionary, defying the mighty corporate machine by sucking down all those damn Blue Moons.

What I didn’t notice, as I stormed the ramparts – supposed microbrew in hand – was that the Blue Moon Brewing Co. actually belongs to MillerCoors, which was sold to Molson Coors by SABMiller last year so the Justice Department would look kindly on SABMiller’s giant merger with Anheuser-Busch InBev. And all that.

. . . I’ve been an unwitting consumer of America’s leading anti-craft beer, taken in by an international conglomerate’s ploy to fend off these upstart microbreweries.

I reckon the message is that, if you want to be a been snob, know what you are being snobbish about. Me, I’ll stick to Scotch.


“Don’t Drink the Water” 0

The Duke of Hazardous still holds sway in North Carolina, much as the Old Dominion is now the dominion of Dominion Power, which used to call itself VEPCO (emphasis added).

We are two friends brought together by this fear. Deborah lives near Salisbury and less than 1,000 feet from a coal ash pit. Amy lives in Belmont, also less than 1,000 feet from one of Duke Energy’s toxic coal ash pits. In April 2015, we received letters telling us that our water was not safe to drink. About a year later we got another letter saying the water was safe to drink, despite no further testing having been done on our wells. The hexavalent chromium and vanadium are still in our water. Yet, Gov. Pat McCrory’s administration has decided that the poisons in our water are an acceptable risk for our families.

It should not surprise that McCrory was on the payroll of the Duke of Hazardous for 28 years.

Follow the link and read the rest.


Spill Here, Spill Now 0


Powder Keg 0


This Is Your FDA on Big Pharma 0

Have you wondered why these days you see all those TV commercials from law firms asking, “Have you taken this drug/used this device/had this treatment?” Watch this and wonder not.


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0

Via MarketWatch.


Frack the Clouds 0

Warning: Language. Also, strange and a bit strained, but a noble effort.


Spill Here, Spill Now 0

Facing South looks at the long term effects of Buccaneer Petroleum’s Deepwater Horizon spill. Here’s few of the stats; follow the link for more.

Number of people who filed medical claims under the financial settlement reached with BP, citing breathing problems, eye injuries and other illnesses related to exposure to the spill’s pollution: more than 37,500

As of last year, number of studies published on physical health effects reported by people directly affected by BP’s spill: 2

Number of those studies that found a higher frequency of respiratory illness, headaches, skin rash, and cough: 2

In one study looking at the disaster’s effect on cleanup workers’ lungs, number of genes in human airway cells found to be affected by exposure to a chemical oil dispersant used on the Gulf oil spill — with many of those same changes also observed in lung diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: 84

Buccaneer Petroleum, where the motto is “Safety Worst.”


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0


From Pine View Farm
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