Too Stupid for Words category archive
The Name Gamers 0
The stupid, it’s metastasized!
Now it’s gone all Texas-sized.
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
Meet your fiendly fellow passenger.
Who knows, they may even greet you with politeness.
We are a society of stupid.
Store Crazy 0
Florida Woman goes bananas.
What’s in a Name? 0
In the midst of a longer column regarding Donald Trump’s threat promise to rename the Gulf of Mexico, the Tampa Bay Times’s Stephanie Hayes clarifies the actual reason behind his desire to do so.
The whole piece is an absolute hoot and I don’t want to spoil your fun.
Just go read it for yourself.
Broadcasters of Blather on the Disinformation Superhighway 0
Cathrine V. Jansson-Boyd, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, asks a (rhetorical) question (emphasis on the original):
Follow the link for her thoughts on the answer, and, remember, “social” media isn’t.
Yeah, I know that they don’t call it “Psychology Today Blogs” anymore, but I continue to use the term to distinguish individuals’ blog posts from the magazine’s articles.
Fly the Fiendly Skies 0
I’m so old that I can remember when traveling on airlines was actually pleasurable. My first flight umpty-ump years ago was like a few hours in paradise.
Then, some years later, when I was hopping on airplanes every month or so on behalf of my employer, airline travel had became something to be endured (natch, this after it had been deregulated, not that there’s any cause-and-effect there). I learned to induce the relaxation response to numb myself to the experience.
And the downward spiral just seems to be continuing.
The Crash This Time 0
PoliticalProf charts the course.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
The dialog: I don’t really know the origins of this.
The closed caption: I don’t really know the oranges of this.
The oranges: Nonexistent.
The words: They fail me.
(By the way, follow the link and watch the episode. It’s grab bag of miscellany, as David responds to comments.)
Nor Any Drop To Drink 0
Many have speculated that there must be something in the water down in Florida. If there is, it sappears Florida law prevents taking any action about it.
In other words, Florida is apparently the home of the dirt pour.
A snippet from the story:
The Fifth District Court of Appeal ruled Thursday that although 83% of voters in Titusville approved a 2022 initiative establishing the right to clean water, the city in Brevard County couldn’t enact it because of a 2020 state law preventing local government from giving rights to bodies of water, plants, and animals.
And, in related news . . . .