Too Stupid for Words category archive
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Makes stuff up. Yes indeedy-do.
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
In response to a recent kerfuffle in TikTok, Robert Bartholomew points out that you are highly unlikely to catch chlamydia on gym equipment. However, you are very likely to catch infectious influencer-induced ignoramusness from the disinformation superhighway.
One more time, “social” media isn’t.
A Consummation Devoutly To Be Wished . . . 0
. . . for he was well and truly hoist on his own petard.
Responsible Fiscals 0
Some Republican Congresspersons want to go all in on the Crypto Con.
Tongue Got Her Cat? 0
You can’t make this stuff up.
Phoning It In 0
The phone rang. The caller ID showed a number from a city on the other side of the country, a city where I know no one, a city I haven’t set foot in in four decades.
As I sometimes do, I picked up the phone and said nothing. (When I do that, the computer on the other end will often disconnect after 11 seconds.)
After a few seconds, a woman’s voice said, “Hello. I’m Polly, I’m an AI assistant . . . .”
That’s when I hung up.
So, a recording on a computer is now an “AI Assistant.”
Give me a break.
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
Sara Gorman and Jack M. Gorman look at how “social” media helps spread dis- and misinformation about mental health and offer some suggestions for combating the flood of FUD. A snippet:
One more time, “social” media isn’t.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
The dialog, at about the 24 minute mark: You’ve got to ‘elp us, Ken.
The closed caption: You got elbows, Ken.
The words: They fail me.
About five minutes later:
The dialog, as Ken calls the name of another character: Rocky! Rocky!
The closed caption: Rookie! Rookie!
Just because Big Tech calls it “intelligence” doesn’t make it so.
The Journalist 0
“Totally stole a car today! Something I never thought of doing,” Vanessa Guerra wrote.
Words fail me.
This Is Just Bananas 0
Just in case you need more evidence that wealth and intelligence are independent variable.
No Place To Hide 0
There’s a reason internet companies make their terms of service virtually unreadable.
It enables stuff like this.
Dis Coarse Discourse 0
It just keeps getting coarser.
Influencer Idiocy, Reprise 0
I previously observed that the internet, particularly “social” media, is an incubator of stupid.