From Pine View Farm

Too Stupid for Words category archive

She Reached Her Tipping Point 0

Florida Woman.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

Makes stuff up. Yes indeedy-do.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

They just keep getting fiendlier and fiendlier.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

In response to a recent kerfuffle in TikTok, Robert Bartholomew points out that you are highly unlikely to catch chlamydia on gym equipment. However, you are very likely to catch infectious influencer-induced ignoramusness from the disinformation superhighway.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


A Consummation Devoutly To Be Wished . . . 0

. . . for he was well and truly hoist on his own petard.


Responsible Fiscals 0

Some Republican Congresspersons want to go all in on the Crypto Con.


Snow Job 0

Soooooo, is she going after the fossil fuel industry for changing the climate?

Read more »


Dental Illness 0

Rebecca Watson looks at why RFK Jr. wants our teeth to rot.

Or you can read the transcript.


Tongue Got Her Cat? 0

You can’t make this stuff up.


Phoning It In 0

The phone rang. The caller ID showed a number from a city on the other side of the country, a city where I know no one, a city I haven’t set foot in in four decades.

As I sometimes do, I picked up the phone and said nothing. (When I do that, the computer on the other end will often disconnect after 11 seconds.)

After a few seconds, a woman’s voice said, “Hello. I’m Polly, I’m an AI assistant . . . .”

That’s when I hung up.

So, a recording on a computer is now an “AI Assistant.”

Give me a break.


A Saucy Lass 0

Florida Woman.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

Sara Gorman and Jack M. Gorman look at how “social” media helps spread dis- and misinformation about mental health and offer some suggestions for combating the flood of FUD. A snippet:

A relatively recent TikTok phenomenon called “Undiagnosis” is particularly problematic. In these videos, users record themselves usually dancing to a song listing conditions they previously thought they had and then declaring themselves “undiagnosed.” The process of “undiagnosis” is littered with questioning whether serious mental illnesses even exist, which is obviously harmful to the mental health community’s need for people to take mental illnesses seriously as true medical conditions. While some have said that there’s some benefit to this kind of open conversation and that it may reduce stigma in some ways by making discussion about mental illness more acceptable, the potential harms are still obvious. People with mental illness conditions are being encouraged to decide they don’t actually have them. That can lead to dropping out of treatment or refusing treatment in the first place, clearly placing people at risk.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.


Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0

The dialog, at about the 24 minute mark: You’ve got to ‘elp us, Ken.

The closed caption: You got elbows, Ken.

The words: They fail me.

About five minutes later:

The dialog, as Ken calls the name of another character: Rocky! Rocky!

The closed caption: Rookie! Rookie!


Just because Big Tech calls it “intelligence” doesn’t make it so.


The Journalist 0

After allegedly swiping a van–which she later sold for scrap–a Minnesota woman made an incriminating entry in her personal journal, cops charge.

“Totally stole a car today! Something I never thought of doing,” Vanessa Guerra wrote.

Words fail me.


This Is Just Bananas 0

Just in case you need more evidence that wealth and intelligence are independent variable.


No Place To Hide 0

There’s a reason internet companies make their terms of service virtually unreadable.

It enables stuff like this.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

It just keeps getting coarser.


Influencer Idiocy, Reprise 0

I previously observed that the internet, particularly “social” media, is an incubator of stupid.

Here’s another example for the exhibit table.


The Vetting Process 0


Influencer Idiocy 0

The internet is an incubator of stupid.

One more time, “social” media isn’t.
