From Pine View Farm

Too Stupid for Words category archive

Freedom of Screech 0

Donald Trump’s fee-fees are hurt because he didn’t get his way, so he’s filed (yet another) empty suit. From Above the Law:

And Trump definitely had the time (to file a frivolous lawsuit–ed.) yesterday, filing a complaint against CBS for daring to edit an interview with Kamala Harris on its October 5 news show 60 Minutes. Trump, whose constant stream of invective and verbal diarrhea is routinely “sanewashed” by the press, was incensed that Harris’s more nuanced answer on the war in Gaza was truncated during the original broadcast. On Truth Social, he screamed that CBS’s non-existent broadcast license should be revoked.


Issues Voters . . . 0

These voters seem to have issues.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

It just keeps getting coarser.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

Honest to Pete, you couldn’t make this up.


Untruth in Labeling 0

More stuff you couldn’t make up.


Keystone Kops of the Kali Kind 0

Even Mack Sennett could not have made this up.


Phoning It In 0

Honest to Pete, you couldn’t make this stuff up.


Paper Fail 0

Arthur Dobrin went shopping and was somewhat taken aback by what he encountered. A snippet (emphasis added):

The line outside stretched halfway down two sides of the building. By the time I entered, the aisles were full of overflowing carts and every one of the checkout lines was open and backed up.

Then I realized what was going on: the carts were piled high with toilet paper.


The dockworkers’ strike will have very little, if any, effect on toilet paper availability. This is because toilet paper products are domestic and are shipped by truck around the country. Products that are reliant on overseas shipments, such as bananas, will be in short supply if the strike lasts long.

If there is a toilet paper shortage, it will have been caused by panic buying.

We are a society of stupid.


Misdirection Play: about Those “Issues” 0

Dick Polman has a message for those who say that they don’t know enough about Kamala Harris’s positions on “the issues” (follow the link for context):

My message to the undecided voters: You say you don’t know enough about Kamala Harris, but if you open your eyes and ears, you’ll realize that you know more than enough about what Trump and his minions would do if restored to power.


Honest to Betsy, it’s not like she’s keeping her positions secret. There’s this thing called “a website.”

You may have heard of it.


Georgia on His Mind 0

The wrong Georgia, that is.


Originalist Sin 0

It’s encoded in Cannon law.


The Policy Statement 0



Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

They explore new frontiers of fiendliness every day.


The Privatization Scam 0

And it is indeed a scam.

You can voucher on it.


Nor Any Drop To Drink 0

You can’t make this stuff up.


The Lamer Gamer 0

Title:  The perfect song for Tump's next campaign rally.  Image:  Trump sings

Click to view the original image.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

When you got nothing, well, I guess, all that is left for you to do is make something out of nothing.


Water Sports 0

Florida Man.


A Trumpled Crypto Con 0

What can I say?

Grifters gotta grift.


This Is Not What “Use Your Noodle” Is Supposed To Mean 0

Florida Woman.
