From Pine View Farm

Too Stupid for Words category archive

Candy Crushed 0

I think I have expressed before in these electrons my skepticism as to the benefits of legalized on-line gambling.

Barnum was wrong.

There’s more than one born every minute.


Tales of the Trumpling* 0

The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts writes of a thoroughly Trumpled political party.


*And I had so hoped I’d never see cause to use this title again . . . .


Real Big Men 0

How do you know they are real big men?

Well, they must be real big men. They have real big trucks.


A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy puts a Trump rally to music.


Truth in Labeling 0

You can’t make this stuff up.


A Pizza the Pie 0

Florida Man.


A Pillow of the Community 0

Sam and the crew are somewhat taken aback to find that RNC co-chair Lara Trump is shilling for My Pillow.

Just when you think that our society of stupid can’t get any stupider, it up and proves you to be, as my old boss* used to say, in error.


*He was my first boss at a full-time job and he was very easy to work for because he was a skillful boss.

I once asked him how he got to be such a good boss. He paused for a minute, then said, “I think about what my first boss would have done. Then I do the opposite.”


Speed Freak 0

Florida Man.


Republican Thought Police 0

At, John Archibald looks at a bill currently being deliberated (I use that term very loosely) by the Alabama legislature (another term I use very loosely) and wonders

Could a librarian be arrested for shelving the Bible where minors can find it?

Follow the link to see what led him to ask such a question.


What’s in a Name? 0

Republican Congressman says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Facebook Frolics 0

Photo phrolics.


The Thump Bible 0

Florida Man.


A Legend in His Own Mind 0


A Bridge To Fall 0

Keeping on the theme of debunking de bunk, Rebecca Watson takes on some the ludicrous conspiracy theories that have sprung up regarding the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge.

Or you can read the transcript.


A Bridge To Fall 0

PoliticalProf does the math.

Also, dolphins.


Much Ado about Not Much of Anything:
What Drives Drivel on the Disinformation Superhighway

I found the recent recent who-shot-john about Princess Kate to be–er, what’s the word I’m looking for?–stupid. Here’s a person who’s in the public eye only because of whom she’s married to, and who she’s married to is in the public eye only because he’s descended from folks who use to rich, influential, and powerful, persons who are now rich and not very influential (and, to the extent they are influential, they choose not to exercise influence, for fear the hollowness thereof will be exposed). Yet, persons spent a week or more speculating, questioning, and conspiracy theorizing on “social” media because she had not been seen in public for a couple of months.

At Psychology Today Blogs, Susan Albers takes a look at the the dynamics that powered this spectacular waste of time and energy, concluding that

Tuckman’s theory of group dynamics may help us understand the social media discussion about Princess Kate.

Methinks her article is worth a read, as it sheds some light on how and why falsehood, irrelevance, and just plain stupid jams up the disinformation superhighway.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

They get fiendlier every day.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Every time you think it has reached the absolute depths of dumb stupid, it goes and proves you wrong.

We are a society of stupid.


Drivel to Destruction 0

Take the quiz.


“Why Don’t We Do It in the Road”* 0

Florida Man.


*With apologies to the Beatles.
