Weather, or Not category archive
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
If this doesn’t motivate some action, then nothing will:
By projecting heat and drought trends over the coming decades, a team of researchers in China, the U.K. and the U.S. found that barley production could be sharply affected by the shifting climate. And that means some parts of the world would very likely be forced to pay much more for a beer.
Details at the link.
Via Le Show.
The Climates They Are a-Changing . . . 0
. . . and the outlook is getting darker.
Scientists at PLOS say their numbers are dwindling due to climate change and the use of pesticides.
When I was a young ‘un growing up on the farm about forty miles north of where I type this, we saw fireflies flashing throughout the summer evenings.
I can’t remember the last time I saw a firefly.
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
inside a larger story about a house fire on North Carolina’s Outer Banks is a warning that the climates they are a-changing, and they’re coming for all of us:
The Fire This Time 0
Yesterday, we finally got a break from two weeks of oppressive heat.
I must say, I cannot remember a heat wave which felt so oppressive as this one. I’ve been known to ride my bicycle in 90s Fahrenheit weather and still enjoy the ride, but this time I stuck to the inside bike.
I am not sanguine.
I fear we are well past the tipping point.
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
Current events do not give cause for complacency.
Dinosaurs Redux 0
I saw pick-up truck yesterday with a bumper sticker reading, “This vehicle is fueled by recycled dinosaurs.”
I thought of that when I saw Brian Greenspun’s column in The Las Vegas Sun. He notes that temperatures in Vegas and around the world are breaking records and argues that dinosaurs are still with us. A bit of his article:
That is if the dinosaurs of today — let’s call them the elected leaders who insist on doing the bidding of the carbon-based industries around the globe — will start making decisions designed to prolong life rather than shorten or downright end it!
Personally, I am somewhat less than optimistic.