From Pine View Farm

Wingnuttery category archive

“But It’s the Only Possible Explanation” 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Matthew J. Sharps explores some of the factors that lead persons to see conspiracies where none exist. Given the debased state of dis coarse discourse, I find it a timely read. A snippet:

One major answer lies in the concept of apophenia, the detection of patterns which simply do not exist among apparently related phenomena. Although sometimes more random, these patterns are frequently based on our prior frameworks for understanding. There is a related perceptual process, pareidolia, in which meaningful images, especially faces, can turn up where they do not in fact exist. A person might see a smiling face in the two fried eggs (for the eyes) and the bent strip of bacon (for the mouth) on a breakfast plate. Others might see an alien spaceship in the planet Venus (the celestial object most mistaken for a UFO/UAP); and if those individuals have prior beliefs in a flying-saucer-infested world, it may not be too difficult for them to believe in platoons of Federal Klingons at Area 51, or in their free-range counterparts under Mount Shasta.


Weird Times, Over and Over Again 0

Title:  The Week in Weird.  Frame One, captioned

Click to view the original image.


Twits Own Twitter X Offenders 0

Elon Mush has a new suit.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

At No More Mister Nice Blog, Steve M. makes a pretty strong case that the New York Times is actively normalizing right-wing nutbags.

Follow the link and decide for yourself.


But It’s the Only Possible Explanation 0

At the Denver Post, Krista Kafer argues persuasively that wingnut conspiracy theorists have hit Bottoms.


Originalist Sin 0

At Above the Law, Joe Patrice analyzes the acrobatics.


The Woes of Jerry Whinefeld 0

Sam Seder dissects Jerry Seinfeld’s whining about “woke.”


A Bridge To Fall 0

Keeping on the theme of debunking de bunk, Rebecca Watson takes on some the ludicrous conspiracy theories that have sprung up regarding the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge.

Or you can read the transcript.


Inside the Bubble 0

Title:  This week, another look at the view from the MAGAverse.  Frame One, captioned

Click for the original image.


All the News that Fits 0

Caption:  Murdoch right to know.  Image:  Rupert Murdoch holding up heavily redacted document titled

Click for the original image.


All the News that Fits 0

A Rand gesture.


Maskless Marauders 0

A battering marauder.


The Disinformation Superhighway 0

The Roanoke Times carries a story about how anti-vaxxers propagate propaganda manufactured out the whole cloth via the internet and “social” media.

Trying to excerpt or summarize it will not do it justice. Just follow the link.


The Patriot 0

Red-hatted man thinks to himself,

Click to view the original image.


A Tune for the Times 0


Spin Cycle 0

Frame One, captioned

Click for the original image.


Vaccine Nation, the Quack-Up Dept. 0

Joe.My.God has more on what’s happening in Idaho.

Video via C&L, which has commentary.


Maskless Marauders 0

A grounded marauder.

The stupid. It burns.


Great Moments in Gunnuttery 0

One more time, Boebert is the new Gohmert.


Facebook Frolics, Rule of Lawless Dept. 0

Yet another Florida Woman.

From Pine View Farm
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